SUPERCHIP OR HYPERTECH? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steve K

New Member
April 23, 2000
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Lets here some opinions on the two chips, we know that you have to run high octane gas with superchip, but if it gives more HP than hypertech then it would be worth it, anyone have any facts or opinions?

Steve K
97 Explorer,4x4,4.0 SOHC

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I originally installed my Hypertech with 89 octane still in the tank. It ran great, but I decided to try 93 octane on the next fill-up. It performs even better with the better gas. I think when both have the higher gas, they work about the same. You just have the option to save a little money with the Hypertech chip when you don't need as much performance.

Alec Rosenbaum
University of Texas @ Austin

1996 Explorer Sport
4.0L V6 2WD Auto
K&N Filtercharger
Magnaflow Cat-back
Hypertech Module
Aux Lights/Horns
Custom Stereo

I have had my Hypertech Chip for about 3 weeks now and I love it. Smooth shifting, great midrange, smooth running engine. I've heard really good things about Superchips but the price really turned me off to them. I would rather buy headers with my $300 dollars than a chip personally. I dunno I guess its all a matter of opinion. I ran 89 octane for a while and then tried 93 like Alec did saw a big difference. Then I tried 92 octane and found that it performs about the same. So you can run Hypertech on anything from 89-93 octane gas. Big plus in my book. Bottom line....I like my hypertech chip's performance and the price was right. Got it at for $187. You can either call or e-mail them for the price. I duno check it out.

James K
1994 Eddie Bauer 4x4
Dead Link Removed has the SuperChip for $229. You might be able to find it cheaper else where on the net.

This may not be as cheap as the HyperTech, but still not $300.


David Cider
'92 Explorer XLT 4x4 4.0L 4Dr 4...

Current Mods:
JBA silver ceramic headers, hi flo cat, Thrush muffler, KKM Air intake, SuperChip, Magnacor wires and Motorcraft Double Platnum plugs

Pending Mods:
4" to 6" Suspension Lift, Tires & Wheels, Euro Guard bumper and Warn winch, rear tire rack w/gas can provisions, screw supercharger and high flow heads...

I have the Superchip, and absolutely love it! Sometimes the truck pings on 89 octane, so I run 93 octane all the time. The engine runs smoother throughout the entire powerband, the transmission shift point are improved. The engine even sounds better (at the exhaust) at high RPM.

The reason I went with Superchip is the timing curve is adjusted from just over idle to WOT - I heard that Hypertech only worked at WOT.

1993 Ranger, Modified

I got a coupon for (1574006) it's good till the end of june I think. The chip cost $244.46 and you will get an $80 discount with the coupon.

'92 XLT 4x4
4.0L EFI V6
