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Temperature Gauge Acting Crazy! Need Opinion


May 31, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Madison, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Limited
Tonight I noticed that my temperature gauge is acting up. It gets very warm, then suddenly cools back down to its normal temperature. Then the cycle repeats. I checked to see if perhaps I had a blown head gasket, but there is no antifreeze in the oil, no oil in the antifreeze, no white smoke and no antifreeze in the tailpipe. I also noticed that it idles very high about 1200-1400rpm when I come to a stop, making it difficult to stop. My question is does this sound like a thermometor problem or something more serious. I would also like to do know do you think that it is safe for me to drive it about 70 miles to my parents house so that my father can look at it. (he used to be a mechanic) It is quite cool here, and it never really gets so high that it is going to overheat. I was thinking if i ran my heat the whole way, and didn't go fast it would be ok. Can anyone give me their opinion on what to do? I really cant afford to take it into a shop, and I have no where to take it to do the work my self besides my parents house. Thanks.

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It sounds like the thermostat isn't opening at the correct temperature, which is an indication that it's bad. Pretty common problem. If it closes and won't open at all, then you are going to overheat the motor which can cause huge problems. You can try driving it with the heat on, but you are rolling the dice.

As mentioned it sounds like your thermostat is getting old and beginning to stick.. Normally the thermostat will open and close continually while the engine is running to keep the temperature fairly constant... If you're getting dramatic swings it is because the thermostat failed to open but somehow became unstuck causing the rapid cooling/ temperature drop. This is very common and an inexpensive fix (just replace the T-Stat).

As suck replace the thermostat asap to prevent any further problems. If the engine temp climbs above normal pull over and let the engine cool. Do not run the engine temp in the red :nono: as the extreme heat will warp the engine causing $$$$ in damages.

Thermostat. My old truck did that.

Sounds like a thermostat going bad. The engine control will speed up the engine if it senses its overheating - in an attempt to speed up the cooling system. I'd replace the thermostat (don't forget a gasket - Ford doesn't include them with the thermostat).

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