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TEXANS Serious about Slabs run.

Have fun guys.
I'm definitely not going to be able to make this event.
Have anything planned for November?

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I am Going to be heading out soon. If any one needs to get a hold of me I have my Cell phone. 361-652-7168

When are we meeting? Where are we meeting?

Michael, Greg, Alec and I and leaving Michael's house at 6:30, and I think we plan on being at the air down spot around 10:30-11. Someone correct me if I am wrong...
BTW, I put some Alec-tuggers, er, I mean tow hooks on the rear end today. ;)

So if I follow the directions posted earlier, will I be able to see you guys from the road or will I need to know where to turn? Never been there and it looks like I'll be driving out there by myself...

He called me and said he was having problems in Dallas, so he might not make it.

Hook up with Kris in the morning, and we should find you on the way, or in Kingsland. The town is not very big and we have to drive right through the middle of it. Kris has numbers for all of us so we can find you if you are off track.
