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TEXANS Serious about Slabs run.

Re: Questions about the slabs run

Originally posted by jnsnwt
3. Sue and I are 45 years old. What's the average age of this group that will be attending ?
John, if you and your wife don't come, that puts me as the oldest at age 35. But, my wife is 23 and we are bringing a neighbor that I think is in her late 20's.

I should have two open seats for going out there.


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Ok, I may be out for this event.
I did this today... :nono: :shoot: :shoot: :thumbdwn:


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May I ask,
"What the Hell!?!?"

At least I wasn't the only person with problems on this trail run today.
A Jeep with Unimog axles broke it's rear shocks right off on the first tough obstacle. I think it was a maiden voyage of it with the mog axles. Another Jeep brokes it's front driveshaft. Then another Jeep broke it's rear driveshaft, which we welded back together on the trail.

Me, I bent the driver's side tierod/steering rod(on the IFS, is it called tierod or steering rod?), which grenaded one of the CV joints on the drivers side. We got it bent back into shape.
Tomorrow I will try to pull the driver's side drive shaft out and see how it drives at a higher speed to see if the alignment needs any adjustment.
Even, If I can make it home on Monday, I don't think I would be fully fixed for the Slabs on Sat. :(


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Sorry man. Hope you get it fixed; we'll miss ya if you don't make it!

Well I hope you make it home safely. I cant believe your not going to make this run. Lets get a list of whom is still making it:
Randall whats your status? Cant you bring your Girls explorer out there?
Kris is bringing Navajo?
I am there.....

Still need a meeting spot listed for Saturday Morning.

I am planning on bringing the Navajo. With all the my changing Jobs and such I need a small vacation.

Brian, how could you forget me?

What hwy do we take to get out there, I forget? We could meet at the HEB or Randalls on 183 just North of the Arboretum?

Originally posted by Trckmagik
Randall whats your status? Cant you bring your Girls explorer out there?

I am not taking her truck out. I should be bringing mine though...
It's running pretty well (for 200+k) since we changed out the intake manifold gaskets, thermostat, pcv valve, plugs and wires, heater hose, adn valve cover gaskets. It doesn't appear to be leaking anywhere, so so far so good. Still open front diff though :(

what is the exact dates? id love to ride with someone... such as randall or michael... whoever....

Was I forgotten too? I'm coming and my friend is gonna tag along. Hey Randall, you might be sad about your front not being locked, but I'll be there with 2 open diffs... Stupid Ford sheared a bolt in my carrier so Kris couldn't put the locker in there (thanks again for you and your Dad's help, Kris). Which reminds me, I called 4 wheel parts and they want too much just to open the sucker up, and I have to work all week so I don't think I'll be able to take the axle off and what not.. But hey, I'll have 4 wheel so I'll do whatever I can.

Lemme know where we're meeting...

I know I left some names off. I was trying to list those that had problems... We need to meet somewhere right there on 35 as it will make it easier for those whom have no clue where 183? is. I am staying at the Crown Plaza on 6th St. They have no parking for my Exploder nor the trailer, so I am stuck on where to park those 2 items. Anyone have any ideas on my parking situation?

Is anyone bringing their coleman or a grill?
Dont forget about fire wood.

You're welcome to park at my place for the night, I'll give you a ride back to the hotel and pick you up in the mornin'... I'll try and bring some firewood too...

Oh yeah, also, for the meeting place, where on 35 would we want to meet? Do we want to go up on 35 to 183 to head out of town? That'd prolly be the easiest, but I don't know about having a caravan and actually keeping it together on 35, but I don't think we'd be on it for too long. Hell, I'm a terrible leader, maybe Alec can chime he cause he knows the area also...

Walmarts are great for parking overnight and also meeting. There are 2 large ones on 35 in town. One is South, so we wont go to that one. The other is at 183 and 35, here is a map:


It's about a block each way behind the intersection of the highways. From 35 you turn right onto a street from the northbound feeder. From 183 you turn right from the westbound feeder.

I think this is a good location ;)

See, I knew Alec would be better at that crap than me :p Way to come through for me Alec :D

no problem, so that's worth a few free pulls out of the sand?

Heck, if I ain't stuck too, you got it :D


Can you give me a # and an address for your place. We will just need to park the trailer and explorer. I will unhitch it from tow vehicle. Thanks so much. Do you have a driveway?
Also what does your schedule look like on friday when I will be arriving.

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I will try and load up on Firewood as well. I know we ran short last time. I no longer have a grill though. Should we start a shopping list for the sand burgers?
