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The Election

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Lessee here, I could vote for Bush, or else for that Enviro-Nazi guy who has already promised to the Sierra Club and the nation that he will finish the job his predessor started and completely take away all of our rights to access any other land to fourwheel on, and bring in a whole new pile of legislation to destroy the evil SUV.

Let me think this over for awhile...... :confused:

[Edited by GJarrett on 08-04-2000 at 08:12 PM]

LOL, tough choice huh? Sounds to me like Bush is the ticket too. His speech last night was fantastic, he difinately looks and speaks the part (something that is as important as his ideas, respect issue). You know, we could always vote for Nader!

I hate Gore's stand on the environment! :mad:
I hate what Bush has done to education in Texas and I'm frightened of what he might do to it for the nation as a whole! :eek:

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :confused: !

Is there or will there ever be again anybody good to vote for? I was thinking maybe, M I C (see you real soon) K E Y (Why, because we LIKE you!) M O U S E! MICKEY MOUSE! MICKEY MOUSE! LET US HOLD OUR BANNER HIGH, HIGH, HIGH! :bounce:

I say see if your vote really counts... write in your own name and see if it shows up in the polls on TV :). I will however be voting for the lesser of two evils, Bush.

that's what it always boils down to, the lesser of two evils in an election. It's never: "Hey, I agree wiith everything this guy says a 100%. He's my guy".
And then, even if you should agree with what he says (or at least more so than the other one), will he (or can he) do what he says and promises?

Typically, I vote Republican, but I am by NO means loyal to them. That said, I'll prolly vote for Dubya come November. If Al Gore is elected, I'm going to say "Adios, Estados Unitos" and probably move to Australia. :D

Don't forget that Gore will take all our evil weapons away. One more reason to NOT vote for Gore.

I'm so disgusted with the whole thing that I'm voting for Nader. I know he'd be worse than Gore on SUV's and wheeling, but he won't win anyway. It would be nice to have someone in office that represented us, the working stiffs, not corporations...

Well, its easy for me. Bush. His acceptance speech was great. He looked "presidential" (as if they don't all look that way in the right light). While I can't agree with everything he says, he is definately pointed in the correct direction. He tugs toward individual responsibility and away from the 30+ years of big government that we have been dealing with. Its not that I absolutely hate government, its just that most things can be done better on a local level.

I hope that everyone avoided the network coverage and watched it on C-SPAN. I'd hate for your opinion to be tarnished by the likes of Dan Rather.

To me, Al Gore stands for everything wrong with the country. He hates SUV's, he sides with the extremist environmentalists, he wants to cram his socialist ideas down our throats. He has a little trouble with the truth as well, which may be a result of hanging with the present administration for so long. His ideas tug towards the idea that we are not intelligent enough to make any decisions for ourselves. He and the present administration have moved to seperate risk, reward, and consequences from responsibility. I mean, it is a huge stretch to even think of blaming the likes of Colt and Smith & Wesson for the actions of a vast minority of gun users.

There is a definate misuse of facts surrounding the gun issue, as well as most other issues that this administration has taken on. For example, the antigunners (of which Clinton and Gore are among) cite the oft-used quote that a child is "murdered" by gun every so many minutes and that several thousand are killed each year by guns (never mind the person that pulled the trigger). But the statistic is a lie: it includes persons over 18, it includes suicides, and it includes unwanted intruders that are killed by guns. The administration also fails to mention the several million times a year that guns are used to defend home and property against crime. You won't see that statistic in the mainstream media.

The fact is, we have a very dishonest and disingenious administration in the white house right now (and a mainstream media that is either unaware or too liberal to notice), and Al Gore is part of that administration. They rationalize the most inane ideas, they hide evidence whenever it points to misdoings, and they lead by misleading. Do we really want the same thing for 4 more years?

Sorry for the rant, I feel pretty strongly about this.

Geez, Tom, don't sugar-coat it, tell us what you really think.

Say, are you the guy that wrote this?

Dear Mr. President:
I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, "Thank me, I voted for Clinton-Gore." So, I sat down and reflected on that and I am sending my "Thank you" for what you have done, specifically:

1. Thank you for introducing us to Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Dolly Kyle Browning, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick. Are there any others that we should know about?

2. Thank you for teaching my 8 year old about oral sex. I had really planned to wait until they were about 10 or so to discuss it with them, but now they know more about it than I did as a senior in college.

3. Thank you for showing us that sexual harassment in the work place (especially the White House) and on the job is OK, and all you have to know is what the meaning of "IS" is. It really is great to know that certain sexual acts are not sex and one person may have sex while the other one involved does NOT have sex.

4. Thank you for reintroducing the concept of impeachment to a new generation and demonstrating that the ridiculous plot of the movie, "Wag The Dog", could be plausible after all.

5. Thanks for making Jimmy Carter look competent, Gerald Ford look graceful, Richard Nixon look honest, Lyndon Johnson look truthful, and John Kennedy look moral.

6. Thank you for the 72 House and Senate witnesses who have plead the 5th Amendment and 17 witnesses who have fled the country to avoid testifying about Democrat campaign fund raising.

7. Thank you for the 19 charges, 8 convictions, and 4 imprisonments from the Whitewater "mess" and the 55 criminal charges and 32 criminal convictions (so far) in the other "Clinton" scandals.

8. Thanks also for reducing our military by half, "gutting" much of our foreign policy, and flying all over the world on "vacations" carefully disguised as necessary trips.

Please give my regards to Hillary, when/if you see her. Tell her I'm working on a "Thank You" letter for her too.

Looking forward to January 2001,
Average Joe

Well, Gerald, it wasn't me that wrote it, but it could just as well have been. And, that stuff is just the tip of the iceberg, I fear. My rant was a bit disorganized because I have such an abundance of bad thoughts toward this administration. What really irks me is that the general population is seemingly oblivious to the whole mess.

And of course our news media doesn't help much. Their pointed comments, along with opinionated reporting seek only to sway public opinion. I mean, according to the media, global warming is a given, even though it is highly contested by some of the best climate scientists in the world. No matter according to the media, we'll tell you what the globe is doing. As well, when US nuclear secrets end up in the hands of China, there's practically a news blackout on the whole subject. Try a visit to http://www.ratherbiased.com to see Dandy Dan Rather in action. :)

I'm not sure that George W. is the perfect candidate, but he's definately looking to steer things back to where they belong. How effective he is depends on a lot of factors including the house and senate, his will, and his ability to make political compromises that provide the best possible solution. Progress can only be made by moving, not stonewalling as the present administration has done.

BTW, I noted that George W. has the same accent as you. :)

Just a couple comments on the above. I probably get flamed, but what the hey.
First a disclaimer. I'm certainly not going to vote for Gore.
Now that that is out of the way, I'll move on.
The sex life of the president (or anybody else) has got nothing to do with politics (unless state secrets are passed like in the sex scandals in Britain and Germany in the '70's and '80's). I'm tired of tax money being spend on probes, investigations and grand juries to further the personal agenda of any politican (or party). Yeah, sure I would like a president with a higher moral standard. Especially since our current one obviously doesn't have any, but still claims to be a good, church going Christian.
I put the blame for all the sensationalism squarely on the press (which was aided by the republicans). And the democrats do exactly the same if they get a chance.
As you've probably gathered by now, I'm not very happy with either candidate (or party). I guess what I'm looking for is utopia and we all know, that doesn't exist.
Therefore, go back a few posts and see my comments about the lesser of two evils.

[Edited by Peter Weber on 08-05-2000 at 11:12 AM]

I hate to vote for a man who has allowed education to slip to levels as low as Arizona, but I will not vote for a man who will take away my rights to public lands and my rights to own and bear arms.

It's definitely a case of the worse of two evils. The way I see it Bush's term will be pretty lame duck like his dads presidency. Gore on the other hand has the potential to ruin or take away practically everything I care about.

Tom, I agree 100%. When I see Gore I just don't see the President in him.

Gerald, Yee-ouch. That person needs to learn how to express their opinions ;)

Peter, I do agree, to an extent. This man is supposed to be our leader though. He is supposed to set an example for young people in America, and represent us with dignity abroad. That "man" desicrated an American landmark (the White House, and worse, the Oval Office) and then LIED to us about it. I don't think it was worth what Ken Starr etc. put us through, but it was something the American people needed to know about. He had sex with his subordinate in his workplace. Something that in unthinkable in corporate America, and ends careers. The same should be true in his case. I really do think he should have resigned his Presidency.

I agree with Peter. Almost every President has been unfaithful and even in the WHITE HOUSE. The difference is back then the media didn't make a circus of it. Majority of Americans had NO IDEA that Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. The politicians were afraid if everyone knew it would undermine his presidency and it probably would have.

Billiary knew when she married him he was a DAWG, but she wanted the power. Enough said!

As far as his ability to lead the country, well, he has done that. I don't know if it's in the direction most people wanted, but majority of Americans are doing much better now than they did before. His latest gas thing, we're not going there. It just makes me too :mad: !

As far a social programs, some are NECESSARY. I see it every day in my job and contrary to what many of you may think THEY ARE WHITE. The minorities work their a$$e$ off and make dirt wages and NO they don't have hundreds of kids. IS IT FAIR A CHILD SHOULD SUFFER BECAUSE OF THEIR PARENTS CHOICES?!!! :mad: Until we MAKE PARENTS RESPONSIBLE we are going to need social programs.

I, as a teacher, am terribly frightened by what Bush will do for education. Everybody thinks competition is what is needed in education! WELL, THEY'RE WRONG!!! Funds will still and are still being misppropriated by ADMINSTRATION!!! Most of the teachers go above and beyond! It's the adminstrators who REFUSE to get rid of bad teachers! ADMINSTATION IS THE PROBLEM WITH EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dead Link Removed

Well, I think I've ranted enough for now. I could go on about education for days!

Here comes the FLAMES!

[Edited by Char on 08-05-2000 at 01:30 PM]

Kennedy's morals weren't any better. But everybody (well , just about anybody) kept their mouth shut until long after he was dead.
Sex in the business arena only becomes an issue if it's used to threaten, hinder or otherwise influence somebody's career. I never heard anything that Monica (or Jennifer)felt she was forced into anything in order to keep her job.

I agree he has been a competent President. We arent at war, and the country is doing well. I can however, like him as a President, but not as a person. He may have been a good President, but as a person I think he's garbage.

Being a teacher can make ya jumpy about education huh?

Peter, Oh I agree. Thats another example of how someone can be a great President but a horrible person. You'd also be surprised how many people's careers are ended by affairs with their employees. Companies will just let them go because of the emberassment factor, and to avoid future problems. Its never a good idea.

[Edited by Stephen on 08-05-2000 at 11:50 AM]

no flames from me.

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Should we open a chat for this at a pre-arranged time? We might not want all our comments saved.
