The Infamous Chain Rattle Fixed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Infamous Chain Rattle Fixed?


Well-Known Member
April 19, 2002
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Bay, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
O.k. I had the 00m12 taken care of a while ago. So the rattle noise at start up has been taken care of. And so far hasn't returned. But I ended up getting the 2800 rpm rattle while under load. Well, my Ford dealer said I needed the tsb 01m01 taken care of which was covered under the extended warrentee. Also, he suggested to have a couple hundred dollars worth of things replaced while he was in there. He has done a bunch of these and told me if I didnt take care of this other stuff, he has seen the rattle come back. Which he said Ford knows about but hasn't done anything about it yet. The other stuff was: primary timing chain, sprockets, primary timing chain tensioners and misc. Which was basically the tsb 02-08-01. But, this one wasn't covered since mine is a '97. Only '99-'01's are covered for this.
So, now that just about every thing on the front end has been replaced, all rattles seem to be gone. Hope for good. Just hoping the back chain assembly holds up. :)

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How many miles do you have? If its over 125,000+, just drive it and forget about the rattle.

No more rattle, as I said, its all fixed. Hopefully for good.
I only have 71,500 on her. And its in too good a shape to let something like that just go.

Please elaborate on that TSB (08) you said it covered 99s? By covered 99's do you mean extended warranty or do you simply mean applies to 99s?
I am getting some more slight rattling symptoms again... arugh

nweibley, I am not sure, but I think it is an extended coverage tsb like the 00M12 & 01M01. Try a search of the tsb and you should find info on it. But, I do know if you are getting the rattle at the 2800 rpm range under load, that is more then likely what it is.
mbryda. That is a great idea! Keep us posted on how that goes. I really like my truck, but eventhough it is fixed now, it will be in the back of my mind as to when it will rattle again.

I dunno, Mabey I can help you with some web design? :)
Whos hosting you? I'm in on anything that shoves this problem right under Ford's nose.

Thanks for the encouragement... I'm up for all the help anyone wants to give - If you're interested, drop me either a PM or some E-mail at and we' all can talk (don't want to get this too far astray from the topic)...

Maybe we can start a class action suit against Ford. I found a form to send this law firm to see if we might have a case. I would send it myself but I dont know enough about the problem to give a detailed discription.

As much as I hate class action suits, that thought has crossed my mind. However, I wanted to see if we, all banding together, could get them to budge without resorting to that.

Jeez, do you guys seriously think you bought Lexus cars? These are NOT meant to be quiet smooth riding vehicles. When you guys realize this, Ford will stop laughing at you. Just live with the freakin' noise for crying out loud. It is NOT that annoying. Mine rattles too, yes I will admit it, but not only have I gotten used to the noise, but I have grown to almost like it.

This motor is NOT a piece of s**t motor, otherwise there wouldn't be SOHC motors running into the 100+K miles range without any re-build of the block. Many OHC engines rattle, but you just don't realize it. My friend's Camry sounds like a poltergiest (Spelling?) is living under his hood, but is he starting a class action suit against Toyota for a badly designed motor? No, and I sincerely hope you guys do not either.

On what grounds will this suit be? A noisy motor? Gee, I always thought engines were supposed to make noise ;) This is not like the V-8 SHO problem where there is a definite design flaw in the cams, these tensioners are made out of plastic, and will deterioatre over time. Guess what? Things don't last forever! If my motor can go 100K miles without needing one mechanical fix (And it doesn't burn any oil, show me a motor from say GM that can boast that) anyone's can. Modern engines are not built to last as long as the older carbeurated motors do. It's sad, but true. These engines are designed to fail, but the fix is really not that expensive, and it will last the life of the engine.

I'm sorry to go off on everyone like that, but I'm just sick and tired of hearing people complaining about the rattling problem. If you don't like it, sell the vehicle and buy a car with a timing belt you have to replace every 60K miles, or go back to a pushrod motor.

Good, I dont think you need to involve yourself with this thread then. Some investigation behind the problem would lead you to the chain guides and tensioners most likely, and if those malfunction (which rattling is a good sign of) then serious damage to the motor from failing timing systems ISNT really that hard to imagine. It has happened and it will happen again.
I didnt pay for a motor that would fail, I paid for a motor that would last as long as possible. Putting inferior components in it is not what I paid for.

I'm not trying to start flaming you, but this is an OVERLY common problem that shouldnt be, and you are personally attacking us over it. Let us do what we want!
I think you should be a little bit more consciencious. I dont see any reason to be a ford 'fanboy'. If they make something inferior and deny it, I'm gonna give them hell. I'm sorry if thats not in your planbook. Do you want me to email you if we do get something done about it? I would be happy to.
Ohh yeah, and one more thing, "
I'm just sick and tired of hearing people complaining about the rattling problem"... I'm sorry, but we aren't complaining about it, we are taking action.

Originally posted by nweibley
Good, I dont think you need to involve yourself with this thread then. Some investigation behind the problem would lead you to the chain guides and tensioners most likely, and if those malfunction (which rattling is a good sign of) then serious damage to the motor from failing timing systems ISNT really that hard to imagine. It has happened and it will happen again.
I didnt pay for a motor that would fail, I paid for a motor that would last as long as possible. Putting inferior components in it is not what I paid for.

I'm not trying to start flaming you, but this is an OVERLY common problem that shouldnt be, and you are personally attacking us over it. Let us do what we want!
I think you should be a little bit more consciencious. I dont see any reason to be a ford 'fanboy'. If they make something inferior and deny it, I'm gonna give them hell. I'm sorry if thats not in your planbook. Do you want me to email you if we do get something done about it? I would be happy to.
Ohh yeah, and one more thing, "
I'm just sick and tired of hearing people complaining about the rattling problem"... I'm sorry, but we aren't complaining about it, we are taking action.
Well then good luck. I'll go back to helping my friend replace the timing chain on his Mercedes after it broke off and trashed the motor.

Does anyone know for sure that the fix willl last the rest of the engine's life?

I haven't posted in a long time but Majisto, I suggest that you do a search for my post on engine failure.

I too changed the oil every 5k with Mobil 1 and what what was my reward? I crankshaft that snapped into 2 pieces while backing out of my driveway!

This is on a '97 with the SOHC. Mind you that this is after I performed all scheduled maintenance and had all the engine recalls performed.

The FoMoCo reaction? Our engines aren't really designed to last beyond 100k miles but you might be able to extend the service life with regular oil changes. Majisto, if you're gonna tell me that if Ford expects everyone to pay $5k for a new engine at 103k miles, you've got to be on their payroll. Stated another way, should Ford be allowed a pass on the SOHC when the first scheduled service is engine replacement?

I kept half of the broken part and mechanics I've shown it too unanimously agree that the engine has some sort of design or manufacturing defect. The folks at JD Powers said that cranks are one of those elements that are designed for the life of the vehicle. The Ford Customer Uncaring rep said that Ford wouldn't do anything about the problem but said off the record that he was in school to be a mechanic and that cranks are not supposed to break.

I'm WAY off the Ford bandwagon. I'm never going back and I go out of my way to tell people just how bad Ford is. I still drive the X because it's paid for but don't presume that I support Ford just because I drive one of their vehicles.

Prior to posting here I again, I'd like to suggest that you spend some time on the NHTSA website looking at all the engine problems with the SOHC. People aren't making this stuff up because they've nothing better to do with their time or money. You'll see a clear pattern of Ford doing very little. Then come back and tell me if you think people are whinning to whine.

Originally posted by Jeff

The FoMoCo reaction? Our engines aren't really designed to last beyond 100k miles but you might be able to extend the service life with regular oil changes. Majisto, if you're gonna tell

That's interesting. I remember reading somewhere, (Blue Oval, maybe?) where a Ford exec claimed their engines were designed for 150k and "more in some truck lines"... If only I could remember where.

Well if you want to add me to the list, feel free! We just had our belts chaged and the motor is rattling a lot again, like 1000 miles later. So, if you need help, you got it I'll try to do what I can.

ford droped the ball on the sohc engine....i was having problems with the cold start noise if i let it sit for 3 or four solution was to start it on wednesdays for a couple of minuets.....and i put 20 50 wieght oil in there by accident.........with some motor purr oil far i have not had the cold start deisel noise .. i might just stick with the 20 50 till it craps out on me.....i have 79k on the engine which is a 97 sohc sport....but i have to admit i do love the truck...looks brand new except for the paint chipping off in little spots about the size of a pin head on the hood....there's another can of worms...when it does take the dump i'll either fix it or get another engine..and beleive me it will not have the plastic chain quides ....
BTY..i bookmarked your web page

I'm working hard on getting the survey up so we can at least start to see where the problems are and see if there's a pattern to them... It's almost there now - hopefully I will have a chance to work on it tonight.
Also, if anyone has any info on the engines and problems by MY, I'd appreciate that as well. I'm also compiling pages dealing with the issues by MY....

Thanks again for all the help & support.

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