The Repair, How's it Look? Painted Mirrors and Cowl. | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Repair, How's it Look? Painted Mirrors and Cowl.

Well here is the aftermath from the fender bender at the audio shop. How's she look now?


I had the cowl painted to match the truck instead of the dull black look.



How about a hood shot? I didn't get in on the last one, LOL.




A rear shot with the new spoiler.


The spoiler.


Mirrors and cowl have been painted to match the truck.





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I seriously would keep them stock or do the red model paint on them. Your truck looks great in a super stock sort of way (which is how it should be done) and I think any altezzas will take away from that look.

Very nice Job Ronnie.......

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Ronnie, before I mentioned...

<< The same method used by body shops to paint the lower cladding on non-Premium Sport Tracs can be used on the antenna base. It's basically the same plastic (wouldn't surprise me a bit if it's the exact same plastic) as the cladding. Sand a bit, prime with something with flex in it, and paint with flex in it. It should hold up fine in the end. >>

Even if they add flex to the antenna mount, if the job is done properly, it will be absolutely fine. Guys have been doing this with their lower plastic bumpers for a while now. Those that have had it done for 1-2 years have no signs of it flaking, peeling, or chipping off (except in the case of stones to the bumper, of course, but they'll cause paint to chip anywhere).

You can still sand plastic, you just have to use a lower grit sandpaper and filler primer to get rid of the texture, which can be a big task if you're doing a big object but the antenna base shouldn't take a professional body shop long at all.

TAS98xlt said:
IMO, I think it wouldn't look right. Like someone said, the black blends well with the tinted windows. Sort of like one big window. If they were painted red, then there would be the black rubber strips at the tops and bottoms separating the colors.

I agree, the truck looks spectaular just the way it is, painting the trim between the windows would just throw off the lines. Is there any possibility of painting the vertical bars in the grill a flat black? Be a heck of a lot cheaper than buying a new grill.

All billet grilles have vertical support bars, you usually can't seem them but the camera's flash picks them up. I wouldn't worry about it.

Wow Glowin97X, that looks 100% better. All I remember is that it is some sort of tester's paint which I am familiar with. What color is everyone using on it? Do you sand down the amber first? Do you spray it on the inside or the outside of the lens?

its transparent candy apple red testors and its available at walmart in the model area.

here's how mine turned out-

i cleaned with lacquer thinner taped off the rest of the tail light and then misted 3-4 light coats on my turn signal.


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OK, took some suggestions. Had some paint repaired and had one thing added.





I had the antenna base painted like yall suggested. How's that?



Nice, real nice.

That cowl looks so good. I might just have to do that to my X..

I wish my Ex was that pretty

Thanks for the compliments gang. The end is near. I soon will have it the way i want it and will not be adding any more to it. Just got to get the stereo finished now. Truck stays in the paint shop over the weekend for me. I want the paint good and dry so it won't scratch too easy. Stereo will begin work again on it on Monday, YEAAA!!!

i really like it..but loose the door trim

Really looks great! I usually don't like modified vehicles but everything you've done is tasteful and subdued. Really nice! The two tone is what makes it I think, and I love the running boards.

What you might want to think about doing is having that black painted area on the B pillar painted a gloss black and sealed with clear as opposed to the matte black it is now. The B pillars on my Lexus are a gloss black and it seems to make them look less dry and tired than the matte ones used on other cars. I wouldn't paint that red though.

That's a good idea Stephen, I don't know why I never thought of that. Glowin97x, me and spray paint don't get alone very well. I would just die if I ruined my tail lights and had to get new ones right now. I am gonna leave them stock for now until I get it all done. I still have an exhaust package in the garage still in the box that hasn;t been installed and also the powerslot rotors and new brake pads, LOL. Too much work and not enough time nor money. LOL. But she is getting where I want her now. Starting to look like I had pictured about 6 months ago after looking at everyone else's trucks and thinking about what I wanted to do. I didn't want it to look like everyone else's, but I like those CobraR's and Pirelli tires. They just make the truck to me. Plus a good shine, LOL.
