Largest tire on stock rim | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Largest tire on stock rim


Well-Known Member
November 7, 2004
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New Cumberland / PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Sport / 5 speed
Just what the title says :D

I searched with not much luck. What is the largest tire I can mount to my factory rim? I know there could be clearance issues with the body, but at this time im just concerned with the rim.


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i just put a 12.50 on a 7in. stock rim..

Width is the limiting factor.

Max is 10.5" so you could mount 33x10.50 Goodrich MTR's and run them with 2"-3" suspension+2"-3" Body lifts.

You could probably go wider but they wouldn't look right.

You can run a 12.5 wide tire on a 7" wide stock rim. I'm currently running 33x12.5x15 on my stock rims and on my stock spare which I believe is 6.5" wide.

Blee1099 said:
You can run a 12.5 wide tire on a 7" wide stock rim. I'm currently running 33x12.5x15 on my stock rims and on my stock spare which I believe is 6.5" wide.
Ben, please post a pic. I might have a line on some cheap used 33x12.5 ProComp AT's but I don't have rims for them yet. I need to see what they would look like on stock rims.


32x12.50 15 on stock spare rim..


think i could clear a 31 10.5 in my stock exploder?? stock wheels stock everything

think i could clear a 31 10.5 in my stock exploder?? stock wheels stock everything

I have a set of BFG a/t 31x10.5x15 on my stock 93. Some rubbing when i turn it real far to the right. Other then the speedo being a little off they run fine for me.

If you do a lot of HW driving & get the tires hot, no way I'd run anything more then 10.5. & that is pushing it for me. 9.5 would be the max I'd go. But that is me.
Off road shouldn't be a problem though.

We ran 33x12.50's on 7" (not stock) rims by accident. For years I thought we had 8" rims but we actually had 7"..

I dont' know what kind of a pic you want as I have a bunch from when we were on 7" rims..

Here are a couple different 33x12.50's at street pressure. Top pic is truxes MTs, lower pic is BFG KM2s

Coleman Side view by maniak_az, on Flickr


33x12.50r15 BFG KM2's just installed by maniak_az, on Flickr


Edit: I just noticed, this was a resurrected thread...
