The Southwest Chit Chat thread.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Southwest Chit Chat thread..


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..If you are new to the area, a returning member, or even a long time local but new to the Forum, this is the place to stop in and say Hello and chew the fat..

..It's kind of like a family campfire setting to pop in and discuss local topics that are of interest to all of us in the area from the weather to where a good place to go and visit might be..

..If you are new to the area and have questions about pretty much anything regionally, feel free to ask them here..

..No politics, business, or such...:nono:

..Let's keep it light..

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Is the beer cold yet? :D

We've got a case of Polygamy Ale to go around Phil ;)

We've got a case of Polygamy Ale to go around Phil ;)

Hmm, I'd be REALLY thirsty by the time I got there. Good thing I have a mixed case of Alaskan Amber and Pyramid Hefeweizen in the trailer fridge.

Headed to Eastern WA in a couple hours, supposed to be mid 90's there.

Is the beer cold yet? :D

..I really wish we had more time in Moab this last trip...

..Between this :burnout: and this :hammer:, I wish we had more time at the campgrounds getting to socialize a little more like this

Why does the planning for the trips seem like they are forever away but the actual trips are so brief?

..Since it is the weekend for the 100* temps throughout the Southwest, here's a cold one for all..:chug:

Hey gang, its TOOOOOOOLTIIIIME! Was surfing around when suddenly the smell of beeeeer pointed me to this here deal. Im in Vegas, I like to go fast in my 02 2wd sort of pre-runner project. When its time to head up in elevation, I hop in my Toyota 4-Runner with the few mods on it, point and shoot onwards and upwards! Im pretty handy with most types of vehicles and chassis setups. So, ask away! :chug:

Checking in. I am in full prep to do the CCR for Labor day.

What is CCR, aside from the great band Credence Clearwater Revival?
Im kinda in prep mode myself. Getting ready to pick a complete rear end from a boneyard, springs and all. My 02 ST has drums in the rear, the wrong gear,and the front eyelet bushings of the rear springs are gone. So for just a tad more than what Ford wants per bushing, I found an 8.8 from a 97-01 Eddie Bauer Expy with everything I need. Springs, Discs, 4.10 gear, and Limited slip. The 4.10's will be just ok. I think I would rather go with a 4.30, or at max a 4.56. And I could use the extra leaf springs so I can toy with spring rates and handling. But hey, for under three hundred Im in!:burnout:

Colorado Colors Run. My nephew is getting married in Colorado Springs the weekend before Labor day and the CCR happens in Colorado on Labor day weekend so........ IM IN!

Nice! Colorado Springs is where I want to retire. There are a lot of awesome wheelin spots around there. Have fun and be safe!

..This is something you might be interested in...;)

..2 wheel gofast, 4 wheel crawling, camping, movies, buffet, 24 hr. entertainment, and more..:D

..It's a great place to meet forum members, their vehicles, and just socialize...We actually have people who just fly in so they can grab a spare seat just to ride along and other people just bring the minivan and kids for the day to meet everyone..

Guess i'll put this in here an' . .

let it be sorted out later.

I would jus' like to give a BIG Thank You to 'Serious Explorations ' Team for remembering me in well wishes yesterday. I do feel a coupla more dings this mornin' as my memory is abit cloudy but, that's what we got friend for Right ? LOL . To remind us of what we did or tried to. I do remember switching chauffers/ cab driver 'cause wifes don't make very good ones, LOL .. . eeww, doorbell ringing, must be my first story/memory for today.

..........Again Many Thanx folks :smoke:

Sounds like someone had a heck of a birthday celebration :D

Any one interested in storing a 4dr explorer for me till i could get it picked up? Located in Phoenix?

No chance anyone coming towards Missouri, want to haul it for like $500??

NVM- to far away for me , but i posted full details in CList find section $500 bucks buys runing 4 dr manual tcase and tranny!

It's not white is it ? We could shoot an updated version of Vanishing Point !


...I'm pretty sure it wouldn't run like a Challenger either..:confused:

Cleavon Little stole the show..:D


...I've been out of town working and camping..

..Did your brother get an Explorer?...and what have you been up to? kinda fell off the face of the earth for a while..

Life got busy at the beginning of the summer and into June. And the last few weeks I've been spending time by a pool or by the beach.

My brother is still with the S10, currently down with engine issues.

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I got a new truck. It's a 2009 Toyota Tacoma. :)
