2013 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct 25th-27th | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct 25th-27th


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Save the date it's open season again soon.;)

When:October 25-27th:D
Where: Truckhaven, near the Salton Sea:exporange
Who: Everyone is invited, as there is something for everyone. 1st time to Extreme. But mostly just fun:thumbsup:
What: 4x4ing, Camp Fire, and Good Company:salute:








Truckhaven is a huge playground for off-road vehicles. There are trails for everyone from mild to wild. This is a great place to test your driving abilities as well as the capabilities of your Explorer.

Saturday night we will be having a potluck dinner with a twist. Everyone should bring their own meat and beverages, but also bring a side dish or desert for all to share. The potluck has been a lot of fun and very tasty in the past!

Bring your own cooking supplies if you can. You can probably share someone else's grill if you don't have one.

This area is primitive camping. There are NO TOILET FACILITIES ON SITE. Public restrooms are located about 5 miles from camp.

Weather conditions in October usually consist of warm days and cool to cold nights, rain can be present at this time of year and high winds and cold nights are always possible. Come prepared!

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...Waiting to see what movie will be playing this year at the EF Drive-in..:biggthump...:popcorn:

I'm assuming this is the large annual EF run? If so... Subscribed...

I'm assuming this is the large annual EF run? If so... Subscribed...

Pretty much.. This is normally the first Run of the season But I think there is a run before this one this year... Usually This run or the January run are the big ones.. You just never know which one will have 5 vehicles and which one will have 15.

Either way.. I just started getting parts in so I can have an upgrade for this years wheeling season.. I really like to have something new every year to make it really worth the 8 hour drive.


Yeah, it's a little bit of a haul for me but not too much. I can bring my bike with me too to make it extra worthwhile. Heck, if I had the ultimate tow rig and trailer setup I'd roll out with the expo, race truck and the bike and really make a weekend of it! LOL But I don't have a tow rig or a trailer so I gotta choose appropriately. LOL I'll watch this one though, would be fun to get the expo out there. For me and well the entire expo itself, it's one complete upgrade since I went from stock to fully built over the past few months.


...Waiting to see what movie will be playing this year at the EF Drive-in..:biggthump...:popcorn:

I'm shooting for a Despicable Me marathon, if 2 is out on blu ray by then.:D

..:scratch:...Does Tom have a project he's been working on and not sharing with us yet?..:popcorn:

The zuk is running pretty good, got the new truck camper in, and I have almost two weeks of vacation between xmas and new years..

Plus I'm trying to get out and play more.

Tell me now what you want to see movie wise

I'm going to look at why my steering seems weak at low speeds. If I can figure it out I come out and break my fiberglass, I mean crawl around. LOL

...No need in bashing your fenders..:nono:

..It is wide and open with plenty of access to get around the obstacles if you choose to drive and not ride...

...There are usually a few of the gofast crowd who run over to Ocotillo Wells which is literally a few hundred yards away..

..And don't forget about running the washes and on down to the Sea...There are plenty of stories to be told about running the washes at Truckhaven at high speed..:burnout:...:D

Tell me now what you want to see movie wise

..I got spoiled when we watched American Graffiti..:D

..I can think of a few..:scratch:

1) Christine
2) Bullitt
3) The Driver
4) Two Lane Blacktop
5) Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
6) Mad Max
7) The Transporter

..I think Rick was in this Movie..:p:


...No need in bashing your fenders..:nono:

..It is wide and open with plenty of access to get around the obstacles if you choose to drive and not ride...

...There are usually a few of the gofast crowd who run over to Ocotillo Wells which is literally a few hundred yards away..

..And don't forget about running the washes and on down to the Sea...There are plenty of stories to be told about running the washes at Truckhaven at high speed..:burnout:...:D

My buddy has a house at salton city, I'm just 80" wide at the fenders and sit really low, turning radius kinda sucks, and I can't see over the hood sometimes. I've been to truckhaven it has good spots. I'm gonna try and make one run. I'm tired of being the only ford in the tacoma group.:D

<snip> turning radius kinda sucks, and I can't see over the hood sometimes. <snip>

Don't worry.. Tbars4 has issues making turns in the notches.. and at his age I bet he has issues seeing over the hood too. :wavey: Its fun playing follow the leader with him and watching him make 12 point turns :D.


He"s I-beamed too. Thats my downfall. Tires hit the radius arms. Nice at 70 mph, crappy at 7 mph. Plus if my hubs are locked in the front the LS no like to turny.

He"s I-beamed too. Thats my downfall. Tires hit the radius arms. Nice at 70 mph, crappy at 7 mph. Plus if my hubs are locked in the front the LS no like to turny.

I'm also TTB.. and have a LS up front.. I don't turn as well as I used to with stock Radius arms but It still turns pretty well.. If I move my RA mounts back inside the frame I'd get some turning radius back but I didn't lose enough to make that worth while. I also have a bunch of caster which doesn't help turning either.. With the low caster #'s I used to have the tires would really lean when turning which was great when off-road.


Front-suspension-shots 019 by maniak_az, on Flickr


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I'm also TTB.. and have a LS up front.. I don't turn as well as I used to with stock Radius arms but It still turns pretty well.. If I move my RA mounts back inside the frame I'd get some turning radius back but I didn't lose enough to make that worth while. I also have a bunch of caster which doesn't help turning either.. With the low caster #'s I used to have the tires would really lean when turning which was great when off-road.


Front-suspension-shots 019 by maniak_az, on Flickr

I have a zero off-set wheel so it will go on my trailer (under 82") and a bronco front section of frame. We looked at mine and there just isn't much I can do. Here are my arms and wheels. I just have to figure out why it doesn't like to turn at slow speeds and I should get around as well as the stock guys do. Either steering box or pump.

