Timing Chain Blues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Timing Chain Blues


New Member
February 26, 2013
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City, State
Lancaster Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer XLT
Hi all,

I've read all the horror stories re: timing chain issues on the 4.0L SOHC engine. So now it's my turn (98 4x4 138000 miles) Noisy but hasn't broken yet. My only question is what brand of parts is everybody using? I only like to do things once.

Great site and thanks in advance!


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Hi all,

I've read all the horror stories re: timing chain issues on the 4.0L SOHC engine. So now it's my turn (98 4x4 138000 miles) Noisy but hasn't broken yet. My only question is what brand of parts is everybody using? I only like to do things once.

Great site and thanks in advance!


From what I've read Coyles or Motorcraft. I hope you're planning (and capable) on doing the work yourself. It's a ton of labor. Engine must be pulled, although some have done it by pulling the transmission. Probably not worth doing on a '98 if you have to pay someone else to do it.



Rock auto had a great deal on a cloyes set that came with the jackshaft primary gear and a crank gear a while ago. I would avoid the Enginetech gasket sets, they took some modification to fit the upper oil pan gasket, and If I end up with a leak, The gaskets will be for sure to blame.

Thanks for the info...before ministry I built race engines so I can do the work. I do have to say it is the most ridiculous piece of mis-engineering I have ever seen. I was unsure about the lure of cheaper parts. There's quite a disparity between most other kits and Cloyes, and we don't have a good parts dept. at our local Ford dealer. He wasn't interested in selling me all the parts for the rear axle when I rebuilt it so I'm not going back there for this stuff.

Thanks for the info...before ministry I built race engines so I can do the work. I do have to say it is the most ridiculous piece of mis-engineering I have ever seen. I was unsure about the lure of cheaper parts. There's quite a disparity between most other kits and Cloyes, and we don't have a good parts dept. at our local Ford dealer. He wasn't interested in selling me all the parts for the rear axle when I rebuilt it so I'm not going back there for this stuff.

I totally agree with you. I don't buy parts from my dealership either. It's like the guys who work in their parts department can't be bothered waiting on you.
