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Top 5 Mpg Mods?

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I'll believe those throttle body spacers when I see them actually work. Those look to me like a 3# chunk of aluminum for $110.

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if you put on a throttle body spacer you can get 4 mpg better

Wanna explain the physics behind that statement? For carbureted vehicles, there is some merit, but not for fuel injected vehicles....

Here are mine, no particular order

Make sure all engine codes are cleared, and all maintenance is current.
Make sure tires are properly inflated, and properly aligned
Intake, Exhaust
Run injector cleaner through every so often
Take out your systems (sorry, but had to say it. They weigh a lot)

At least nobody suggested using hydrogen!:fire::dead:

What exactly happened there? That wasn't from like a Hydrogen Generator or anything was it? I really hope not.

As far as Gas Milage. Listen to Al. I've read most of his thread called "My quest for 30" and it's really helpful. If I only had the money to do most of those things I would.

Things I've done that help
Cleaning the MAF and IAC. Helped with Idle and gas milage.
Keep it at or under 2000 rpm's as much as possible
......That's it.
Good luck.

im not sure how it works...all i know is that we put one on a 98 f150 on 33s...and it was like magic...gas mileage improved...i dont knwo how or why its jsut how it throttle body spacer equals mor epower and gas mileage...and usualy when i look them up it says that it gives you better gasmileage

In a carbureted car, a spacer under the carburetor will allow more time for the mixture to homogenize, giving a better and more efficient burn. On a FI car, the fuel is injected far after the throttle body, so adding a TB spacer just increases the distance the air flows once past the TB. Nothing else. It CAN'T increase mpg. Now, and intake spacer can improve the low end torque of a vehicle by increasing the runner length, which in turn increases the velocity of the a/f mixture into the combustion chamber, but it doesn't improve mileage.

well from what i understand it works...and on the f150 it im putting one on my ex...if it doesnt work then it doesnt...but to my knowledge it works...and your th eonly person so far whos said anything to go against that

There is a sucker born every minute and two to take advantage of him. If you think that works so well, why not just mount your throttle body to the back of your MAF.

hey alls im saying is ive seen it work...

I have a throttle body spacer, and it definitly gave me more torque (from the feel when I hit the gas, not dyno) and definitly gives me more MPG. There is no denying the fact that from before it was on until now I get more gas milage with no other changes being made. Syn Oil, new air filter everything the same like it was before and there is a noticable diff in MPG.


There is a sucker born every minute and two to take advantage of him. If you think that works so well, why not just mount your throttle body to the back of your MAF.

I might be able to see the point you are trying to make about the spacers that are just a block of metal. But, most spacers that I have seen that have worked for myself and others are AirRaid spacers that have the Helix bore. Supposed to cause a denser air fuel mixture or something. All I know is I have definitly gotten results from it and it was only 80 Bucks. I will take an extra 3-5 MPG( about what it has given me so far) for 80 bucks any day with gas prices the way they are. Whether the science behind it says it should work or not, it does.

I might be able to see the point you are trying to make about the spacers that are just a block of metal. But, most spacers that I have seen that have worked for myself and others are AirRaid spacers that have the Helix bore. Supposed to cause a denser air fuel mixture or something. All I know is I have definitly gotten results from it and it was only 80 Bucks. I will take an extra 3-5 MPG( about what it has given me so far) for 80 bucks any day with gas prices the way they are. Whether the science behind it says it should work or not, it does.

So you're saying that 3 or 4 tank fulls after you installed the spacer you averaged 4mpg better than the 3 or 4 tank fulls before the mod? Do you have actual miles driven and gas used to back that up?

I would gladly give a $1000 for a device that would net me 4 MPG increase.

So you're saying that 3 or 4 tank fulls after you installed the spacer you averaged 4mpg better than the 3 or 4 tank fulls before the mod? Do you have actual miles driven and gas used to back that up?

And types of miles (highway vs city)

So you're saying that 3 or 4 tank fulls after you installed the spacer you averaged 4mpg better than the 3 or 4 tank fulls before the mod? Do you have actual miles driven and gas used to back that up?

Oh ok, 3 or 4 tanks before and 3 or 4 after, Let me dig out the gas log..... are you kidding me? IT WORKS. I cant not tell you how or why it does, but it certainly does. If you search online you will find many forums with similar discussions on them and the consensus is that throttle body spacers can and do work. But it is on somewhat of an application to application basis. The benefits that can be achieved are low end torque (said to move the torque curve to the lower rpm range, thus sacrificing torque about 3500 rpm) and gas milage (anywhere from 1 mpg to around 5). I am not going to argue with anyone about it, you can believe me or not. All I know is that I am saving money on gas, and with prices here hovering around $3 I am not going to question the science behind it.

where can one get this throttle body spacer. and if any one knows where i can get a snorkle or where i can find instructions to make one???

where can one get this throttle body spacer. and if any one knows where i can get a snorkle or where i can find instructions to make one???

I got an AirRaid throttle body spacer and I got mine from Very fast shippping. They also sell other brands of spacers, I went with AirRaid because I had heard good things. Just research it before you make a purchase. Once again I must say, this did work for me, but there is no gurantee it will work for you. With gas prices how they are, its worth a try for sure. As far as a snorkle I cant help you there. Good Luck.

A gas log would help. That's what i use, and it's the best scientific method to prove a claim like that, the science that really matters. I think you really feel that it improved your mileage, so what would you estimate your before and after mileages are?

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i found the one on summit however it is not that brand but we may not have the same truck either so ill proably get it. i think ill even get a free hat. i cant go wrong there

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