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Torque Monster headers


Active Member
September 25, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Sherrills Ford, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer AWD 347 V8
There are a set of Torque Monster headers on Ebay. Just in case anyone is interested.

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There are a set of Torque Monster headers on Ebay. Just in case anyone is interested.
They won't fit my truck :( I have the GT40P heads on my 97' Explorer 5.0 Ranger swap.

Damn. I wanted that first set so I can get some real heads but not anymore.

Lame. What a tool.

First set is OP

Good job of bending the for sale rules--
They also appear to have some serious rust pitting with new spray paint covering it

sorry if i broke the rules didnt mean any disrespect to anyone on the fourm

sorry if i broke the rules didnt mean any disrespect to anyone on the fourm
It wasn't you. You are allowed to point people to deals and available parts. You aren't allowed to pretend what you are posting isn't yours, like the original poster of this thread did. Being able to sell on here is a benefit of supporting the site by being Elite.

They won't fit my truck :( I have the GT40P heads on my 97' Explorer 5.0 Ranger swap.

You're correct, if you have a Ranger with the coil spring front end (1983-2011). You will need Torque Monster Swap Headers. I've attached a few photos of how they fit. And, yes they will fit GT40 & GT40-p heads!

If your Ranger (1998-2011) has the torsion bar front end, then standard Torque Monster Headers will work fine.


Robert Pasquale
Tech Performance & Engineering
Torque Monster Headers







I just want to confirm what you mentioned above. I have a set of your headers on my 99 coil spring, 2wd, 5.0, GT40P (EGR) head Ranger. The headers have worked perfectly for 164,000 miles. I am considering the idea of going to the Ford Racing GT40 (307x) aluminum head in the near future. Will my EGR equipped Torque Monster Headers work with the different spark plug alignment?

Thank you,



I just want to confirm what you mentioned above. I have a set of your headers on my 99 coil spring, 2wd, 5.0, GT40P (EGR) head Ranger. The headers have worked perfectly for 164,000 miles. I am considering the idea of going to the Ford Racing GT40 (307x) aluminum head in the near future. Will my EGR equipped Torque Monster Headers work with the different spark plug alignment?

Thank you,

The answer is "YES" they will work fine with the GT40-X aluminum heads. The Headers were designed to fit both spark plug angles of the GT40, GT40-P, and GT40-X heads. GT40 and GT40-X heads have the same spark plug angle. Everything should bolt up fine.


Robert Pasquale
Tech Performance & Engineering
Torque Monster Headers

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