tranny leaking... help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tranny leaking... help!


Well-Known Member
January 31, 2004
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glendale AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Explorer EB
what does it mean when there is tranny fluid leaking from where the engine and transmition mate? (just below the starter) i just put the new tranny in and now it's leaking form there. there shouldnt be any fluid in the housing. WTF???

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yeah umm no fluid should be coming out of there.. (assuming you have an automatic) did you seat the torque converter properly?


the torque converter has to be seated right because it drives great. Correct?

daddy_ja said:
the torque converter has to be seated right because it drives great. Correct?
AHAHA i dont understand!!!
its gotta be seated right not because it drives great, but its what drives ur vehicle! its the viscous coupling between your engine and your transmission. man i dont have my ATSG manual with me right now but there is a seal between the torque converter and the tranmission.. i believe my ATSG warns about this sometimes popping out during installation. but if this has popped out, then fluid will be able to come out into the bellhousing and right out from the bottom of the housing.. and then onto your driveway.

you got the driveway part right. lol
so i have to pull all this shiot off again....ouch, this sucks!!!!

daddy_ja said:
so i have to pull all this shiot off again....ouch, this sucks!!!!
yeah most likely.. i mean it is red (ATF) fluid that you're seeing right? not the black oil out of the engine?

by they way, have you driven the explorer with the new transmission on?

it's definately ATF. this blows. i dont see what else it could be though. it's a new tranny and a new torue converter.

daddy_ja said:
it's definately ATF. this blows. i dont see what else it could be though. it's a new tranny and a new torue converter.
i have no clue how to put that seal back on.. im hoping it just pops back in from the outside of the transmission.. but i have a 5r55e sitting on my deck so ill check it out sometime tomorrow (its dark out, im scared of the dark. eeep!).. you have the a4ld right? im hoping the seals are the same design and placed the same way.

i appreciate that! is it similar to the A4LD? let me know. Ja

daddy_ja said:
JA? you've gotta be a rastafarian! rock ON! :thumbsup:

but anyways, even if you're not, here's an image that one of the tranny Gods posted a long time ago when i had a problem.. u see the seal at the bottom left corner of the image? i think thats what might have popped out

by the way, have you've moved your explorer with this new tranmission yet?
i ask because if you have and there's no horrible grinding noise, then the torque converter is probably seated properly. but that probably doesnt matter right now since you prob. have to do it again.


The front bushing could be off center too and the seal won't seal. The A4LD bell housing bushings were drilled after they were installed at the factory, so if the hole was off center in the casting it didn't matter (engineers :confused: ).

More than likely though, you popped or damaged the seal during install. Did you coat it wil fluid as you carefully slid it in while turning it? If the t-converter were not back far enough you shouldn't be able to turn over the engine at all.

Brian_B said:
The A4LD bell housing bushings were drilled after they were installed at the factory
hey guy! may i ask why it was drilled after?

I read it in one of my old transmission books. Apparently, the bell housings were not made very precise and thats how ford fixed it. Just use a wider bushing and drill it in the center.

I knew a guy whos was far enough off he had to get a machine shop to do his like the did at the factory. Mine old A4LD blew several of these seals, but I can't prove that was the reason. I heavily suspect it though, since the bushings were all worn on one side.

ahh gotcha. thanks! sorry for that deviation in your thread Daddy_JA, but now back to your problem...

if the seal has popped off, and you've turned your engine on (the torque converter pump has pumped fluid), then you will probably need a new seal as the old one is probably laying dead somewhere.. [ chilling, saying hi, but not really, cauz its dead, so its probably just got its tongue sticking out, with X's for its eyes.. AHAHA! ]

IZwack said:
JA? you've gotta be a rastafarian! rock ON! :thumbsup:

but anyways, even if you're not, here's an image that one of the tranny Gods posted a long time ago when i had a problem.. u see the seal at the bottom left corner of the image? i think thats what might have popped out

by the way, have you've moved your explorer with this new tranmission yet?
i ask because if you have and there's no horrible grinding noise, then the torque converter is probably seated properly. but that probably doesnt matter right now since you prob. have to do it again.


i have drove it and it drives great, just leaks like a fawcet. so i suppose it must be the seal.

IZwack said:
ahh gotcha. thanks! sorry for that deviation in your thread Daddy_JA, but now back to your problem...

if the seal has popped off, and you've turned your engine on (the torque converter pump has pumped fluid), then you will probably need a new seal as the old one is probably laying dead somewhere.. [ chilling, saying hi, but not really, cauz its dead, so its probably just got its tongue sticking out, with X's for its eyes.. AHAHA! ]
lol, your nuts man! :confused:

Take a close look at the bushing behind the seal while you have it off. Easy to replace when you have the trans out. Not easy when you put it back again.

Brian_B said:
Take a close look at the bushing behind the seal while you have it off. Easy to replace when you have the trans out. Not easy when you put it back again.

what exactly should i look for? a hole in it?

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No. They are bronze or something (not sure), but shiny and smooth when new. If its worn (like a lot of spinning inside it or worn on one side) its better to replace. Also make sure its firmly in place. I have seen them spin int eh housing (replace those too). Then take a tiny punch or chisel and nick (just barely) the side of new one to keep it from spinning.
