Transmission cooler TSB completed or not? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission cooler TSB completed or not?


July 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Charlotte NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Limited X
so I just purchased a 2nd hand 2020 X and had it at the dealer getting some things looked at. They said they would perform the TSB related to the trans cooler while they had it, but when they completed the other work they said that the work had already been done but not closed out in Ford's system. I've had an issue with a motorcycle purchase once where the dealer I purchased the bike through pencil whipped the warranty stuff to get paid by the manufacturer but never completed the work on my vehicle and would like to ensure the same thing isn't happening here. How can I inspect the trans cooler to know if it's been replaced or not? What does the support bracket look like vs no bracket? Does anyone have any pictures or drawings of the TSB that they could share with me? I don't have any reason to not trust the current dealer but I'm a total DIYer when it comes to mechanical things and just want peace of mind regarding this.


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so I just purchased a 2nd hand 2020 X and had it at the dealer getting some things looked at. They said they would perform the TSB related to the trans cooler while they had it, but when they completed the other work they said that the work had already been done but not closed out in Ford's system. I've had an issue with a motorcycle purchase once where the dealer I purchased the bike through pencil whipped the warranty stuff to get paid by the manufacturer but never completed the work on my vehicle and would like to ensure the same thing isn't happening here. How can I inspect the trans cooler to know if it's been replaced or not? What does the support bracket look like vs no bracket? Does anyone have any pictures or drawings of the TSB that they could share with me? I don't have any reason to not trust the current dealer but I'm a total DIYer when it comes to mechanical things and just want peace of mind regarding this.


If you have Ford Pass App, it should alert you if the work was Not completed I think. It will keep sending notification alerts until your VIN shows up as work completed.

Welcome to the Forum andyman793. :wave:
Although I'm not positive, I believe the transmission cooler may fall under the 5 year, 60k mile Powertrain Warranty. Also, a Carfax report should show what work was done on it.


Ask for an OASIS by the dealer based on the VIN. When I had my 2014 Explorer and they were trying to see if a TSB was going to be covered under powertrain warranty or not, they gave me an OASIS report that listed every warranty repair every performed and specifically what warranty covered my TSB. Should be the service writer/manager that has access to that.

When my 2020 Explorer was in the shop for a transmission leak, they said it was the TSB transmission cooler leaking. They replaced the cooler and refilled 6qts of fluid but mentioned nothing on replacing cooler lines or a bracket.

The newer style cooler has an aluminum bracket extanded forward to help secure the cooler and prevent leaks. The old first production style does not have the aluminum bracket. You would know if you saw the two side by side. Pop your head under the driver's side, take a picture of the trans cooler. Post it here and I would be able to tell.

Thanks for the responses. I do have an Oasis report on the vehicle and it wasn't listed. I'm going to ask for an updated report when I pick up the vehicle from the dealership tomorrow. I'll also peek underneath again and snap a picture.

I hope that this issue is not on the ST models.

I hope that this issue is not on the ST models.

I think few members mentioned that they had the cooler problem in their ST's as well.

I think few members mentioned that they had the cooler problem in their ST's as well.

Yes, my ST cooler had a leak and had to be replaced early on.

I had to have mine replaced at about 5K miles. After the dealership replaced it they failed to secure the soundproofing(?) panel that needed to be removed to perform the cooler replacement. They are not accepting that they failed to re-install any of the hardware.

By chance does anyone know the part number of the nuts that go onto those studs? I will do the work myself on a brand new vehicle.


^^ Welcome to the Forum. :wave:

