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Transmission Help Please

July 13, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I dont know what transmission I have other than its a 4x4 automatic n my 1994 Eddie Bauer Ex.

WhenI get to about 20-25mph i stop accelerating and my engine revs like i was in nuetral. then it eventually shifts and almost immediately 30-35 mph it does that again. I tried some lucas oil brand stop slip and i kinda worked for maybe 20 minutes....

Im currently in a really tough spot, i work construction and havent had work in a few months. Looking, but no luck, so I pretty much have no budget to get a rebuild and Im planning on going to the junk yard when i get my tax return in hopes to find one there. The U pull and pay site has transmissions listed for 99.00 soi thought Ide try.

Basically Im looking for any ideas that might help me avoid buying one from the junk yard and hoping it works better than the one I have.

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Try adjusting the bands...

What condition is the fluid in? What color is it?

Usually this type of things ends up being a broken band, but try adjusting the bands first. Im assuming its going neutral when it would normally go into 2nd? Try manually putting the lever to 2 and see if that will give you 2nd, or if it still just revs.

The fluid was changed about 4-6 months ago.

How would I try to manually put it to 2?

The fluid was changed about 4-6 months ago.

How would I try to manually put it to 2?

The gear shift on the column has a "2" between the "1" and "D".

Yes the fluid level is fine and it is less than 6 months old. And just to cover base it is mercon V.

If im going to try and adjust the bands do i have to drop the transmission?
Im pretty good with engine work most but i dont know jack about transmissions.

Mercon V isnt the right fluid to use in the A4LD....its the only old tranny that Ford didnt chance the specification for.

You should be running Mercon III I think its called.

Youre right, alot of people kinda combine the two by mistake, and call it Mercon III

Mercon V isnt the right fluid to use in the A4LD....its the only old tranny that Ford didnt chance the specification for.

You should be running Mercon III I think its called.

It says on my dipstick to use mercon oil. The transmission fluid i bought is Castrol Mercon V atf. It also say that it is certified for use in vehicles that require Mercon -OR- mercon V.

Anyhow. If im going to swap fluids. For good measure, so i know for sure, how many quarts should I be using?

Well.... I changed my fluid.

The fluid looked like its been years since its been changed and I changed it less than 6 months ago. Tons of that black gunk made of metal shavings on the magnet on the pan...

Im assuming my transmission needs rebuilt or replaced at this point??

Bye bye A4LD...:roll:

If you end up rebuilding it, theres an A4LD rebuild thread somewhere on the forums that goes into detail about what parts to use to rebuild it, as there are many upgrades out there to help make this tranny more reliable.

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Hi the a4lde is from a 92 explorer or so i was told

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