transmission modulator valve | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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transmission modulator valve


April 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Just bought a new modulator valve for the transmission on my new 92 X I just picked up. I am trying to replace the valve but I cant find where it is, can anyone point me in the right direction?

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dont quote me but i think it's on the passenger side, you have to remove or pry the heat shield in that area away forward( this is what haynes is saying ,but as to what side no but they mentioned heat shields and thats only on the exhaust side of the truck / passenger side) ....should be able to see the vacuum hose going to it .after looking at mine you may have to take off the exhaust pipe section to gain access to it ( looks really tight in there) .

side note: after looking at mine (where the 2 servos are) there should be a heat shield right ?!?!?! , i mean those servos are withen 2-3 inchs of the cat ....i know thats not got to be good for them with the heat the cat gives off .anyone have a retort about that ??????

thanks and hope this helps

Yes that was'nt to bright of Ford, those 2 round things that look like freeze plugs (servos i guess), when I pulled my burned up A4LD off mine didnt have the heat sheild but the one out of the '93 I pulled did have one,,,,,(I thought the modulator was in the far rear of the Transmission?)

think i could fashion a sheet metal shield and bolt it onto the pan bolts to hold into place or ....go find one at a junk yard ?

brooklynbay ......any thoughts on the heat shield?

Yea thats all it is sheet metal with little snaps, kinda like squeeze prys that holds it in

The modulator is on the passenger side in the middle of the tranny. i actually went through the floor to get to mine. there is an access panel there already. probably not easier but i don't have jack stands.



well heck ....going into the cab to get to it ...and be right on top of it looks like the best and easiest way to get to it :thumbsup:..anybody got a spare heat shield now ( lol ) ;)

The tough part of going from the top is you won't be able to see and touch the parts at the same time. It took me a while to get things back to together because I'd have to look around and get my bearings, then crouch down and work blind. I didn't pay very close attention to how the modulator was held on so it took me a long time to get it reattached.

Great info. Now I've got a question. What is the tube running alongside the transmission above the modulator valve in the pictures?

speedometer i think

Hard to say, but it looks like the vacuum line that runs to the modulator valve. Just a guess, but I know it runs along there somewhere. Also, the speedometer cable runs out the drivers side of the t-case and runs along the frame.

If that is the steel vacuum line, then where does it go and what does the other end attach to? I ask because I have a steel line like that out of my Explorer and I can't figure where it goes. I pulled my engine and trans out and when I was reinstalling them I found the steel line and couldn't remember where it went. I take it that the line runs along the right side of the engine but I don't know exactly where it goes. I would appreciate any help I could get on this.

ahh well i did not look at mine before thinking it was the speedo...thought maybe since the cable runs down besides the transmission it curled around and inputed into the drivers side via the passenger side mistake.come to think more about it, i think the speedo cable is a much larger cable than whats shown .

Yes, they're like all three or four hoses going into one valve under tha hood,, (I had to disconnect them while replacing this trans)
