Truck Haven 2011 January 15-16 MLK Weekend | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2011 January 15-16 MLK Weekend


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Information about Truck Haven

Truck Haven is a huge playground for off-road vehicles. There are trails for everyone, from mild, to wild. This is a great place to test your driving abilities as well as the capabilities of your Explorer. You can see the kind of fun we've had during previous events by checking out a Trip Report from a previous run :)

Vehicle damage: There is always a possibility of vehicle damage any time you go offroading. Damage could be to the body, or mechanical.

Normally, the majority of participants camp at our Truck Haven base camp.

There are NO facilities available at Truck Haven. Camping is primitive with no water, toilets or showers available. If you have a porta potty bring it. A 5 gallon bucket with a plastic bag will work well :D

Bring everything you will need. Everyone is also requested to bring firewood and Christmas trees to add to our traditional BIG campfire. If you can't bring any don't worry about it, but the more we have, the bigger the fire:D

Bring your own cooking supplies. If you don't have any you can probably share someone else's grill.

There is a small grocery store, a new gas station with food and supplies, a Mexican Restaurant (very good), and a family style restaurant in Salton City.

Weather conditions in January usually consist of warm days and cool to cold nights, rain could be present. High winds, and driving dust storms are always possible. Come prepared!

Hotel Accommodations
Here is a list of hotels in Indio, Salton Sea and Borrego Springs.
Sandy and I stayed at the Dead Link Removed before and thought is was adequate and the price was reasonable. :)
If you want Class and you have the cash, the La Casa Del Zorro is the place to go.:eek:
Here is a site for Borrego Springs where you can also check out the prices and what the other places look like.
One other thing I'd like to mention is October thru June is the peak season around there and alot of "Snow Birds" frequent this area, so don't wait too long if you are looking for a room.

Motels and Hotels in Borrego Springs, CA

Borrego Valley Inn, 406 Palm Canyon Dr, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-0311)
Desert Ironwood Motel & Rv Pk, 4875 Highway 78, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-5670)
Hacienda Del Sol Resort, 610 Palm Canyon, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-5442)
La Casa Del Zorro, 3845 Yaqui Pass, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-5323)
Oasis Motel, 366 Palm Canyon Dr, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-5409)
Palm Canyon Resort, 221 Palm Canyon Dr, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-5341)
Palms At Indian Head, 2220 Hoberg Rd, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-7788)
Stanlunds Resort Motel, 2771 Borrego Springs Rd, Borrego Springs, CA 92004, (760-767-5501)

Motels and Hotels in Indio, CA

Best Western Date Tree Hotel, 81909 Indio Blvd, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-3421)
Budget Inn, 82333 E Valley Pkwy, Indio, CA 92201, (760-342-4124)
City Center Motel, 83597 E Valley Pkwy, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-5180)
Comfort Inn, 43505 Monroe St, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-4044)
Corral Motel, 82455 Indio Blvd, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-0177)
Desert Star Motel, 82275 E Valley Pkwy, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-8228)
Diamond Motel, 82589 E Valley Pkwy, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-3989)
Holiday Inn, 84096 Indio Springs Dr, Indio, CA 92203, (760-342-6344)
Hotel Indio, 45077 Smurr St, Indio, CA 92201, (760-342-8456)
Indio Holiday Motel, 44301 Sun Gold St, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-6105)
Indio Towers Hotel, 45587 Towne St, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-5090)
Mauna Loa Motel, 80880 US Highway 111, Indio, CA 92201, (760-775-1108)
Motel 6, 82195 Indio Blvd, Indio, CA 92201, (760-342-6311)
Motel 6, 78100 Varner Rd, Indio, CA 92203, (760-345-0550)
Motel 7, 82353 Indio Blvd, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-3080)
New Inn At Bermuda Dunes, 42325 Adams St, Indio, CA 92201, (760-345-2577)
Palm Shadow Motel, 80761 US Highway 111, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-3476)
Penta Inn, 84115 Indio Blvd, Indio, CA 92201, (760-342-4747)
Presidents Club & Resort, 48630 Monroe St, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-2326)
Royal Plaza Inn, 82347 US Highway 111, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-0911)
Ruta Motel, 82083 Indio Blvd, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-8315)
Star Lodge Motel, 44475 Palm St, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-0653)
Super 8 Motel, 81753 US Highway 111, Indio, CA 92201, (760-342-0264)
Travelodge, 80651 US Highway 111, Indio, CA 92201, (760-342-0882)
Tropics Motor Hotel, 82297 Indio Blvd, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-0931)
Western Sands Motel, 80900 US Highway 111, Indio, CA 92201, (760-347-5122)

Accommodations List Compiled by: Ray Lobato in 2000 Please check ahead. Many businesses close due to the remoteness of the area.

Directions with a map to the campsite will be posted at a later date.

Hope you can join us!!




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1. Rick and Char
2. CJ/DaExplorer
3. Bkennedy
4. RangerX
5. Stic-o
6. Jeep Gary
7. Grant00
8. DB 1
9. Maniak
10. 94explorer2x4

Count me in for my first trip to Truck Haven. I will try my stocker on some of the newbie runs. If possible as a passenger on the others. Will be out Saturday morning sometime.

1. Rick and Char
2. CJ/DaExplorer
3. Mounty71

Out, I'll be at Painted Canyon (north of Salton Sea) the week after MLK/Truckhaven.. I can't do two trips on back to back weekends...

Cant afford it, and the doghouse isn't that comfortable.


count me in, couldn't make last run, hope it works out for this one.

Im in unless something comes up :thumbsup: I want to drive this time

75.0001 % chance that I'm going with my brother.

will all depend on the job situation :rolleyes:

holy crap...

Salton City is dead... You have to go to Indio or Borrego Springs. Indio is the easier drive since it's all divided highway, with few stoplights.

I thought there was still a hotel in Desert Shores? between Salton City and Indio. That would be closer than Indio. Of course, 30 miles isn't a bad drive anyway..


Edit: I found it. doesn't have the best reviews though, but it is closer than Indio.

Did the 4 bed motel near the Salton City Marina close?

I know Ray H. & Wife used to stay there.

and I'm working on this one.. :D

Did the 4 bed motel near the Salton City Marina close?

I know Ray H. & Wife used to stay there.

and I'm working on this one.. :D

Yes they closed. The owner died and the wife sold the place.

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Put me down also.
