Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15

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Sounds good, everyone has a good time out there!!

Hbirchman,(and anyone else) come join us. Last year was my first and I had a BLAST:D. My X is a stocker, daily driver and my son's X has a very slight mod. We went ALMOST everywhere the big boys went. No I couldn't make some hills and Not into the DEEP ruts, But there are so many trails that you stop, take another look and choose one safe for you. We were never far behind and kept everyone else in sight. Had a blast with Keeper and on the last day BKennedy took us up the wash to an old mine site. If you are worried you can always ask to ride along with someone.
Photos are from last time. Going through an arch in the wash area and My son and I with our X's.

I'm getting excited, See everyone in a month.


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That's a great shot of you two:chug:

Ok. Im planning on being there

I'm still a maybe. I'm trying..


Ok got my Warrior shackles on and did the TT before Christmas. I'm getting ready and excited for the adventure.:D Cj got new shoes on his (I want some like that) and now he is ready.:thumbsup: Only about 17 days away. :biggthump

:eek: I can't believe it's only a few weeks away.

I'm going to fix the brakes on Zukman's Trailer tomorrow, and I got him a new set of LED trailer lights for x-mas.:D

We are still planning on this trip. We should be out there Friday evening and leaving sometime Monday.

Any potluck??

We are bringing my parents, the Kelley's and a new Jeep owner redneck friend Garrett. Should make for an interesting trip.

I am planning on making this a guys weekend out taking my son, nephew, dad and brother in law. This will be my first time there do we need to pay for camping or what, we will be bringing my X my dad,s superduty and a travel trailer. Thanks for any info.

Any potluck??
I am hoping so:thumbsup:, Probably should Make a separate Potluck Thread.


This will be my first time there do we need to pay for camping or what

No charge for camping. There isn't "camp sites" you kind of just show up and claim your spot, generally someone has a ExplorerForum flag you'll see all the Explorers and Rangers and find a spot nearby to camp.:thumbsup:

Goodluck & Glad theres more people coming:D Should be Fun

My Ex has been in the shop since the day after we got back from our last trip!! They still haven't fixed my leaking ARB supply line (bearing feed):banghead: Last I heard they had the part and were going to install it. I'm calling first thing tomorrow AM to see WTF is going on.

Char will start the pot luck thread in just a few minutes...

We camping by the Wash again? If so, The GPS coordinates for the good wash camp site is :

Latitude: 33.291050º N
Longitude: 116.005796º W

Sometimes we are just north/east of that. It depends on if we get there first or not.

I have the Radius arms back under the Van but I have no shocks on it yet. Once I fix that, and then fix the fuel starving issue I "should" be a go. I'm still a maybe, but much closer to yes than I was a few weeks ago.


We camping by the Wash again?

I'm all for the Wash... especially if Box Canyon Rd. is closed again:banghead:

Speaking of, Brian can you check on the road condition right before the run?? If it's closed I would much rather just blow past the exit on I-10 rather than have to drive in only to be turned around by a closure.

Called on the Pumpkin today. FST had three guys quit over New Year. Happy New Year:eek:

Anyone looking for a job as a fabricator/mechanic??

Boss said he would do his best to get me finished this week.

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Called on the Pumpkin today. FST had three guys quit over New Year. Happy New Year:eek:

Anyone looking for a job as a fabricator/mechanic??

Boss said he would do his best to get me finished this week.

That Sucks, Hopefully They will finish in time to get you out there in the Pumpkin for TH:thumbsup:
