Truck Haven Jan 16-18 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven Jan 16-18


For once I have the Van and the explorer ready early... Then I get a call from Yolanda this morning.. Clutch just went out on the Mustang. She did managed to drive it into the parking lot at work (she got it into 2nd gear while still on the road) and then stood on the brakes to stall the car, in the spot)..

At least Amazon has a full clutch kit (with flywheel) for < $300 AND that is with overnight shipping (Thanks prime!!!!)... Next best is $630 but that is for a exedy stage 1 and we don't really need that... Those Clutch/Kits for the 4.0 mustangs are more expensive than I expected.

So.. Ordered the clutch kit (Luk 07-202 kit, basically OEM) and I should be able to install it Saturday, if not sooner.

Now, off to Yo's work (80 miles from my work) so I can leave her the Honda and I can ride with the Tow truck back to the house (AAA)..


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At this point I am planning on going. Hopefully Friday night to Sunday morning. My truck is running OK and I only need to install limit straps to stop the all too frequent snapping CV axle.

Current list:

Rick and Char
Ritsui - probably
DB-1 - Maybe

OUT. Mike Kelley's retirement is Saturday night. First MLK run I will miss since the original run.

Out too:( to much work for Friday, no sense driving 360 miles for 4 hrs of wheeling:thumbdwn:

I'm still in..

The clutch issue was much less bad than I expected. Turns out that after over a quarter million miles the plastic piece on the rod of the clutch master cylinder cracked/broke/fell off.

Took 3.5 hours (not easy to get the pedal assembly out) to get the clutch master out and the new one in.. Didn't even have to crack the bleed screw...

Now I have a full clutch kit with flywheel sitting in the house. I'll probably change it a week or so after I get back from truckhaven anyway.


Still in at this time. Planning on heading out Friday night when Chris (Cjexplorer) gets off work and gets home. Looking forward to it.


Now I have a full clutch kit with flywheel sitting in the house. I'll probably change it a week or so after I get back from truckhaven anyway.


Glad to hear it was an easy fix. The mileage Yo puts on is just NUTZ!!:eek:

Out too:( to much work for Friday, no sense driving 360 miles for 4 hrs of wheeling:thumbdwn:

Bummer, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do:thumbsup:

OUT. Mike Kelley's retirement is Saturday night. First MLK run I will miss since the original run.

Understandable, but a bummer :(

Have a good time, and tell Mike congratulations from us!

Understandable, but a bummer :(

Have a good time, and tell Mike congratulations from us!

I gotta admit, I am really torn between these two events. But, duty calls.

The Pumpkin will be sporting a new look. Going hatchless until I can get a snap in canvas cover made for it.

The old hatch was screwed up from catching the upper edge on the trail and pulling it away from the body. The handle on the gate stopped functioning today, and that was the last straw... I'll hang it up in the back garage as wall art :D

I need to add a 3rd brake light now...


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The Pumpkin will be sporting a new look. Going hatchless until I can get a snap in canvas cover made for it.

You going to bring some plastic to cover it, or at least Char's goggles (I'm assuming you have a pair like hers) in case the Big Dubya gods don't play nice...

I know the Big Dubya has been really active around our house for the last week.



We have sand Googles.

So, We are 7 days or less away...

Anyone getting their Thursday or Friday early?

I need to double check the trailer but I now have Thursday off and Friday off so even if I need some tires or wiring fixes on the trailer I'm kicking around getting there somewhat early so I can get more wheeling in...


We are shooting for Thursday mid to late afternoon :bounce:

Ill be out there late Friday afternoon, hopefully before it starts to get dark. Hoping to test out my new tires out there. On a tire related note, anyone have an idea how low I can drop tire pressure in BFG All Terrain LT285/70/16 tires? With stock rear end and 2WD, dropped air pressure did me wonders last time I went out there

I wouldn't go lower than 15lbs for fear of popping the bead of the tire off the rim.

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