Truckhaven This Weekend?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven This Weekend??


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Who is up for some wheelin' at Truckhaven this weekend?? Char is on spring break and we haven't been able to decide what to do. We finally both agreed... Truckhaven!

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hmmm...very tempting...I get my truck back on thursday or friday. My tranny is still in the air, but might have one more trip left in it. Are you defintaly heading out? If my truck isnt up for the trip, e i can always go and ride along someone to keep them company. Going 4.88 and detroit. :afro:

If I can get someone to join us we'll definatly be there.

Sorry Rick, I would love to.:( But I'm working this weekend. Darn:mad:

Gee, it sounds like a great idea, but I've already got other plans.

MOAB !!!!!

C'mon up, it's not that much farther. Friday afternoon runs, 9am Saturday at City Market?

If Jeff had 4wd I would :D

Hey Rick,

Not sure how much trail running I will do in my stocker, but I will come down satruday and keep you company. I would like to test out my new warn hubs, and see how my new fog lights work off road.


Damn, I would love to go but my truck is in the garage eagerly awaiting the new engine and tranny!!! Hopefully next time.

looks like a lot of dissappointment. I'll add to it.

If it were July, I would be there dude. I'm still stuck in this Arctic Hell.

Tucson in 2 months though. Can't wait!!

We're not going out either. We decided to run some of the Table Mesa trails and camp out there tomorrow night.
