Trunk Glass Window Strut / Piston things? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trunk Glass Window Strut / Piston things?


Active Member
January 19, 2009
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'94 Explorer Sport
My strut piston thing that holds my trunk glass window up broke yesterday. there was fluid all down the back.

What is this exactly called and is there a part number i need? Mine's too faded to read it. Thanks.

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Advance Auto parts and Auto Zone carry it also, usually on the shelf. Replace the pair of them. If one went, the other will go soon enough.

23 dollars seems like a steep price, i had to buy 2, i ordered them online for 12 bucks a piece if i recall. I'm sure if you do some internet shopping you'll find them at a much cheaper price like i did, I do not remember the site i got them from however.
