Uniden R7 radar detector installed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uniden R7 radar detector installed


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2019
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NE Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
So even when I try really hard, I seem to get stopped for speeding quite a bit. After they look up my driving record over the past decade and see how sporty my Explorer ST is, I know that I am pretty much getting a ticket. However, I have had two speeding tickets in recent history where I was definitely not going as fast as the Police officer claims I was going at. 10-20% of speeding tickets are erroneous and up to 30% if they use radar from a moving patrol car. That's why I have a dash cam with GPS speed logged. Both times when I tell the prosecutor that I have dashcam footage which states I was speeding but no where near the ticketed speed, I got a plea deal of 4mph over the speed limit with no points.

Still, I'd rather not get stopped in the first place so that's where the radar detector comes in. I was most concerned in this day of blind spot monitoring and vehicle use of K band that would give me a bunch of false alarms constantly with older radar detectors. The newer crop of detectors, including the Uniden R7, have pretty good K band filtering that reduces these false alarms. The R7 also has GPS features like automuting when below a set speed like 25mph and memory muting GPS locations with fixed false alerts. All in all, it makes for a detector that is the best I've ever owned and also the quietest. I did encounter a Cadillac SUV that seemed to false alert but otherwise it is pretty quiet. The Explorers' own tech does not alarm the detector at all. The R7 also has arrows like the Valentine1 because the patent had expired and I guess a few models now have this feature. I bought a hardwire kit with mute button which I installed on the steering column. The power was add-a-fused to fuse 02 and runs up the A-pillar and under the front edge of the headliner. I have the detector mounted to a fixed mount taped to the windshield. So if anyone has any doubts about a detector, I would say go for it. I also rely on Waze because you don't get enough warning with laser. The newer detectors are now back to being radar detectors instead of "new car detectors".


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Hmm did not know that new cars were using K band. I guess that is why detectors seemed to fall out of style from back in the day when I had mine.

I have an R7 as well. Mount is a Blendmount and power is from the mirror's power source. Makes for a clean install, but the R7 is a PIA to mute since the button is on the side (the V1 was much easier, with mute on the front). I might want to rethink the power and move to something with a remote mute button.

Did you remove the cover on the A-pillar, or just run the cord beside it?

I have an R7 as well. Mount is a Blendmount and power is from the mirror's power source. Makes for a clean install, but the R7 is a PIA to mute since the button is on the side (the V1 was much easier, with mute on the front). I might want to rethink the power and move to something with a remote mute button.

Did you remove the cover on the A-pillar, or just run the cord beside it?

I removed the A-pillar cover. Easy to fish cable from fuse box area to the a-pillar. There is also already a grounding bolt in the footwell to the front and side of the fusebox.

My R7 is mounted pretty high. It's actually easier for me to mute it with the side button rather than using the top buttons. I just wish GPS autolockout was here already.

want to give this an attempt. I have a passport that had been hardwired to my 2018 with mute button in A pillar, the service tech did the install. I’m attempting to mount just like yours but unsure if mute button. Can you give me more direction on installing? Such as removing A pillar, getting power supply and ground? Also how’d you get mute to steering column? Thanks in advance, sorry for all the questions

want to give this an attempt. I have a passport that had been hardwired to my 2018 with mute button in A pillar, the service tech did the install. I’m attempting to mount just like yours but unsure if mute button. Can you give me more direction on installing? Such as removing A pillar, getting power supply and ground? Also how’d you get mute to steering column? Thanks in advance, sorry for all the questions

Four posts down from this - there's one I put up showing how to hard-wire a radar detector. No need to hassle with fishing a cord all the way to the fuse box.


Four posts down from this - there's one I put up showing how to hard-wire a radar detector. No need to hassle with fishing a cord all the way to the fuse box.

Yes I had read your post where you hardwired to the mirror however I have a mute button separate from the radar unit that I want to put on my steering column or have it on the pillar like I did in my 18, I’ve been told I need to tap into the fuse box to get power. I believe this member used fuse 2 from the panel, not sure. Any help is appreciated

Yes I had read your post where you hardwired to the mirror however I have a mute button separate from the radar unit that I want to put on my steering column or have it on the pillar like I did in my 18, I’ve been told I need to tap into the fuse box to get power. I believe this member used fuse 2 from the panel, not sure. Any help is appreciated
There are a couple fuse #2.
Fuse #2 is a 10A in the cabin panel is for;
Telematics control unit module.
Driver door switch pack.

If you check the fuse layout there is a 10A fuse #6 that isn't used.
Fuse #2 in the engine bay is a 20A for the Power outlet main console bin.


Yes I had read your post where you hardwired to the mirror however I have a mute button separate from the radar unit that I want to put on my steering column or have it on the pillar like I did in my 18, I’ve been told I need to tap into the fuse box to get power. I believe this member used fuse 2 from the panel, not sure. Any help is appreciated

Since jrgoffin so kindly shared how to do it from the mirror harness, I'd recommend installing it that way. The only thing I'm not sure about is the length of the mute button cable. I think (but not 100% sure) it comes at the end of the hardwire power cable to the detector. If you got power from the mirror, it likely wouldn't be long enough to reach the steering column. It may reach the bottom of the A-pillar however, and easily at the top.

So the A-pillar is easy to remove. You pull it out from the top edge. It is still tethered near the bottom so you just kind of pop it out at the top and lift it up and out, setting it a little out of the way. Just mind the air bag stuff and secure any cable to the front, along with the existing cable. Putting it back can be tricky. You have to align the tabs just right and pop it back in. Fishing wire to the fuse is not hard at all and is only a short distance. A coat hanger may work best but I just used my regular construction cable fish.

Edit: I seem to recall now that the power cord of the Uniden hardwire kit goes from the detector to the mute button and then there's a separate cord from the mute button to connect to the car's power. As such, if you want to mount it to the steering wheel, it definitely is better to use the fuse box for power.

Thanks guys, got it done. Ran to fuse 02 and mounted the mute on A Pillar. Re installing the A pillar was a pain, the clips wouldn’t align but finally got it and finding where To ground

Keep an eye on the 'A' pillar. If any of the clips broke, it may not hold.


I had an R3 on a Blend Mount powered to the Mirror plug via Mirror Tap. You can din them on eBay and AMZN. Much easier install and clean, reversible.

BTW, I have the R7 in my Audi and BMW (replaced the Explorer with an X4). The R7 is an awesome RD for $450....very happy. Have been running it since 2019. You can program it so that it will only go off if there really IS a LEO.
