Upgraded Mass Airflow Sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Upgraded Mass Airflow Sensor


April 5, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
South Yarmouth, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport
Has anyone upgraded thier MAS? I was thinking about doing it if it would make much of a difference...I've already put on KKM. Also, I was wondering how to clean the sensor, the guy who had the ex before me never changed the filter and when I opened the air box there was about an inch of oil and acorns in it... :rolleyes:

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Get a mustang maf and have it recalibrated to your specs. It's the best bet because it's easier for a tuner to work with and the program is also more consistent.

I wouldn't worry about one though unless you plan on doing forced induction.

They don't get ya much for the money, I have the Pro-M.
You can clean your mas with electrical contact cleaner in a spray can.
DO NOT touch the wires.


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Same thing Spindlecone said.

I have the same MAS, and there IS a diferance, though not tremendous.
