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upgrading rear axle shafts is it worth it


Well-Known Member
January 14, 2010
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City, State
paris, tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 sport 4x4
is the YA F880004 ( Yukon 1541 alloy shafts) found on ringandpinion.com worth the money? or is our stock shafts pretty strong? if this mod is worth it is there anything we can do to the front shafts to make them stronger? better u joints or a completely new shaft?

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It takes a lot to break an axle. An 8.8 is a fairly strong axle assembly, and if you are really worried about breaking things like that, your time would be better spent considering upgrading to a 9 inch.

Ditto on not worth it. The 8.8 is pretty strong.. Its rare for those to get broken when wheeling. Now, drag racing with slicks and a spool is a different story..


Let me throw my $.02 in here. (just a little addition, in case anyone with a 28 spline axle is reading this.)

The 31 spline 8.8 is pretty strong.

Most stock 9" rears are not really an upgrade as mentioned. Most of them are 28 spline axles. Yes you do get the benefit of a drop out carrier and non c-clip axles, but with that usually comes smaller shafts. Stock vs stock, the 31 spline 8.8 comes out ahead.
If your going to dump money in an axle, the 9" is the better platform to work off of.

agreed. the 8.8 is stronger first off. but if the c clips are an issue there are many c-clip kits out you can get. and the 8.8 has disk brakes(95-newer)explorer. and you can go to any gunk yard and pull parts all day. 9" is more online order parts. i looked in to the swop my self to match the dana 44 i have to put under my truck. its 5x5 bolt pattern. but to get the axle as strong as the 8.8 would cost more than having my axle shafts drilled to match in my 8.8. ooo and welding your 8.8 tubes the the housing will help as well.

I've only read 3 or 4 posts over all the years about someone breaking the 8.8. And that was extreme conditions & repeated abuse, or some that had a supercharged & built motor.

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