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USB drives - Ford Explorer 2015.


New Member
February 10, 2015
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City, State
Shrewsbury , MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Ford Explorer XLT
Hi guys, I just got a brand new 2015 ford explorer. Can you please let me know what is the size limit on the USB thumb drives ( FAT/FAT32 formatted ) would work for holding music?

Also can you attach an external hard drive ( FAT/FAT32 formatted ) ? so that I can hold my entire music collection (MP3) .
Would love some input .

thank you

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I moved your thread into our 2011 - 2016 Ford Explorer In Vehicle Technology (IVT) Sync, MFT - MyFord Touch subforum.

Welcome to the forum:chug:

thank u rick. was not sure where to post. now i do :)

From the owner's manual:

Supported Media Players, Formats and Metadata Information
SYNC is capable of hosting nearly any digital media player, including
iPod®, Zune™, plays from device players, and most USB drives.
Supported audio formats include MP3, WMA, WAV and AAC.
It is also able to organize your indexed media from your playing device
by metadata tags. Metadata tags, which are descriptive software
identifiers embedded in the media files, provide information about the

Also says it can handle sorting up to 6000 songs.

Perhaps a IVT person can step in with a better answer?

Hi guys, I just got a brand new 2015 ford explorer. Can you please let me know what is the size limit on the USB thumb drives ( FAT/FAT32 formatted ) would work for holding music?

Also can you attach an external hard drive ( FAT/FAT32 formatted ) ? so that I can hold my entire music collection (MP3) .
Would love some input .

thank you

Hard drives do work. the issue discussed on the Focus Forum is the time it takes to index the songs when you get into the 1,000's of songs. MFT likes to do the lengthy indexing quite often. Search the Focus Forum, http://www.focusfanatics.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=51 .

[MENTION=181992]FordIVTteam[/MENTION] This one should be up your alley ;)

meanwhile, I will get a USB stick with say about 5000 songs and check it out if it does play. I wish there are clear specs regarding this somewhere .

For eg: what formatting, what kind of HD's , ( USB thumb drives or actual external HDs)

Also another question, can the panel show videos? or does it limit to music.

hope [MENTION=181992]FordIVTteam[/MENTION] chimes in and helps us out.

Hi everyone!

SYNC doesn't have a specific amount of music that it can handle. The supported music file types are .mp3, .wma, .wav, and .aac. When using a USB drive, it should be formatted as FAT32 and non-password protected. You cannot play videos via a USB flash drive. We don't test external hard drives, but others have been able to use them using the above guidelines.

Congrats on your new Explorer, bipsta!

