Vacuum Modulator | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Vacuum Modulator


New Member
November 17, 2007
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City, State
Kodiak, AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Limited
I've just re-installed my '94 Explorer's Transmission and it will not shift automatically. I can shift from 1-2 manually, but nothing else.

After reading the forums and a bunch of research, I've found my vacuum modulator is not hooked up. Only problem is, I don't know where the connection comes from. I found a post by Glacier991 and found the modulator and man is that crammed in there.

Does anyone know where the vacuum line sits at? I'm hoping that all I have to do is plug that line in and it will work like a charm, but I have to find it first.

If anyone knows or if I'm on the wrong track, PLEASE let me know.


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Welcome to this forum! This line is going to the vacuum tree or otherwise known as the "octopus" connector. It's located on the rear of the intake manifold. Check the vacuum diagram under the hood.

Also, where should the connection that I plug into it be sitting at, does it go over the top of the transmission to the rear on a metal tube and come back forward with a rubber vacuum line?

It's alive

Found it last night and it now works like a charm.

It seems to even shift better than ever too!!!

Thanks for the help!!!!!

my friend has a 93 limited and i need to change the modulator... i read on these forums that there is an access panel under the passenger seat... NOT.... why does she not have one... I can't remove the cat cuz the bolts are going to snap... how the heck do i get to this thing?

the panel is there, not exactly under the seat. it's kinda forward and mostly toward the center. Just slid under mine to check and it was there.

the panel is not a good access unless you can work standing on your head. :D . your better avenue would get someone with an impact and a lot of penetrating oil to loosen the bolts.

wish you luck..............jjf

The guy that I use for tranny work says that the exhaust doesn't need to come down, but I don't see how.... 100 bucks for him to do it, but as a mechanic myself, I don't know how he will get to it... I will just let him do it... I don't get why people on here are saying there's an access door to get to it.... I took out the passenger seat and pulled up the rug, but there's nothing there.... :dunno:Also talked to a tech at Ford and they said there's no access door too... Are people actually bull****ing on here? dang :crazy: anyway, thanx for the help

is it under the console? cuz i looked on the passenger side all the way from the front to where the back seat is.... when i look from under her truck... all i see is a huge aluminum shield that's riveted in place... it would not be dead center... the module is to the side, so where's the panel??? :confused: can you get a pic? it's a 93 limited BTW

man, i've been working on cars for 10 years now, this is crazy.... LOL... Ford says it's not there you guys say it is... LMAO... BTW.... a manual would have it right? same body...

cuz i actually pulled up the rug on my full size 92 with a manual trans, but i did crawl under hers and saw nothing

I got to my 93 explorer modulator by buying some PB Blaster and spraying the 3 bolts on the front of the first cat and the two on the second and let it work it's magic overnight. Used a breaker bar and GENTLY worked the bolts back and forth (very important). Spray more PB Blaster and work the bolts back and forth within 5 minutes all bolts were off. The catalytic convert doesn't have to come completely off just slide it down past the tran enough to get to the modulator. Take the heat shield of the tran and the there it is. One bolt holdin it in. 10mm with a 1/4 drive works the best.
