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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

you can do a stock twist with the bolts on it now and gain a bit. no fuss no muss.

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Thanks for the info, I may give it a whirl. How much more lift did it give you up front?

Shock and Awe!!!!


hey john rock did you buy that grille like that or did you paint it urself?

moreformymoney, sadly John passed away last month. Just incase you didn't hear or read about it. Like Chad said, he painted it red. TxPlates has his truck now.

oh my god that ####in sucks. i though he was cool **** since i first got on here damn. well thanks for helpin me with that

i know it does the way anyone on here have the fiberglass fenders on here? im thinking about them once i go c/o'ed.

John did paint it red and it held up pretty good for the last 8 years - kinda peeling now but that's ok. I had mirrored my sport trac after his and painted my grill red 5 years ago - but apparently the paint we used when we did it stunk! After about a year it faded heavily and started to look pink ha, so I took it off and bought a new black one and left it that way.

got super lift, on 33"s pther grey parts being painted, xd


hey where did you buy the roof rack crossbar lights? thanks xd

Trak, who are you asking about the craossbar lights? acouple of us have them.

Trak, who are you asking about the craossbar lights? acouple of us have them.

i thought i quoted that my bad, xd i really wantg a cross bar with nice lights :D
possibly fit it with hids xd

Nice looking Sport Tracs on here. Soon I'll be able to share my current project. Let's just say it's not of the norm I see here. ;)

would it be worth it to lifter my 2WD sport trac? just got it last month

its not so bad, lifted mine and threw 33's under it, bout to go c/o'ed (which i have been saying for more than 5 months now only cause i had a misshap in the order which requires me to send my coilovers back to get other ones dammit). but in my opinion to say that im one of the only sport tracs that has something done to it around town is pretty sweet so yeah man go for it.
would it be worth it to lifter my 2WD sport trac? just got it last month

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Seeing all these pics make me really want to get going lifting mine. I think the previous owner shackled it, how can I tell if he installed longer torsion bolts or not? And are there any other ways to lift on a budget other than a body lift or shackles/bolts?
