Vehicle Vibrates After Adding ATF. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Vehicle Vibrates After Adding ATF.


Active Member
May 12, 2010
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Ranger XLT 96
Hey Everyone!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Recently I noticed a lot of ATF under the truck, it looks to be coming from where the engine meets the transmission. I think it's called bell housing. So I've been trying to get the fluid back up to level. Adding a bit here and there once i have the temperature level of the engine up.

After adding the last bit, the truck starting vibrating heavily in all gears. Most obviously noticeable while going very slow and stopped.

So I was hoping someone could tell me if this is just because I've over filled the ATF? And I should just remove some.

Or is this something way worse?

Is there something I can try to help diagnose my issue further?

Hope you can help. thanks for your time!

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if atf is leaking from the bell housing area, you prbly have a front pump seal leak. the transmission would need to be removed to replace the seal (inexpensive part, but lots of labor). what type of atf are you adding? are you keeping it overfilled?

I just hope you first read the manual and used the right kind of ATF for your vehicle - Mercon V.

If it's vibrating when stopped I'm betting it's an engine problem not trans.

Thanks guys, I'm definitely using the proper ATF.

I only notice the leak around the bell housing when it gets really cold out. I'm guessing the gasket shrinks when it's frozen, then leaks more then normal. Is that possible?

Hmm. Maybe it is the engine. Was thinking a valve wasn't seating properly, but the vibration/shaking is a lot more frequent/quick then a misfire.

What else could I try, hmm, I'll hook the code reader up tonight, see if there's anything unusual.

Any other suggestions folks, thanks a lot!

Could be multiple misfires. Down on power? Gas mileage? How many miles you driven it with the problem

When stopped, with foot on brakes, the load on engine is higher now, because now there is the proper oil pressure in transmission.

Put the gear selector in "N", see if it still makes that vibration.

Hey Guys, thanks for your suggestions…

It still happens in Neutral.

I think I have noticed lack of power, and possibly bad fuel economy. I'll try to track this better. I've only driven it like this for about 5-10miles.

I think I hear a loud ticking noise now.

I should mention that about 2yrs ago I had all the valves reseated… All but one. :-(

The guy said the valves for cylinder 1 were still in good shape, and since money was tight I didn't have it fixed… That may end up costing me big time. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Any other suggestion for things to try, check, test?

Maybe we can just delete this thread from existence.

After closer inspection it seems I was able to knock the spark plug wire off the spark plug.

When you're done laughing, please close/delete/forget this ever happened.

Huge thanks for all your responses.. I think I'll make it a habit to first take a close look for any visual obvious causes to a problem before posting and waisting everyone's valuable time..


Hey, thats how ya learn! Maybe this will help somebody in the future.

Maybe we can just delete this thread from existence.

After closer inspection it seems I was able to knock the spark plug wire off the spark plug.

When you're done laughing, please close/delete/forget this ever happened.

Huge thanks for all your responses.. I think I'll make it a habit to first take a close look for any visual obvious causes to a problem before posting and waisting everyone's valuable time..


humph, i usually have to visit the stealership to have that happen.
