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Waiting is over


Active Member
September 26, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Windsor, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Sport
Dealer just sent me a picture of my 13 Sport coming off the car hauler. I tried to post a quick picture but I will have to figure that our AFTER I get back from going to look at it.......gotta go.

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Awesome & congrats!!! That is the exact color of mine too! I can't wait to see more pics & hear how it performs!!

NICE. Although I would not have ordered the plastic wheel covers. :-0

Cannot wait for a write up!

Dealer just sent me a picture of my 13 Sport coming off the car hauler. I tried to post a quick picture but I will have to figure that our AFTER I get back from going to look at it.......gotta go.

+1 look forward to more pics, and first impressions!

Yes.... Pics please. We have the black on order and there are not a lot of internet pics on them. TIA...


Yes.... Pics please. We have the black on order and there are not a lot of internet pics on them. TIA...


I have Ingot Silver coming, and it's even worse, there are NO internet pics =P

Congrats!!!! Have been lurking around for a while reading everyones posts. Actually seeing one being delivered is awsome. Had to join. Also waiting for more pics and for you to tell us how it drives!!!! Have an Ingot Silver on order and waiting on pins and needles for any info on mine......

Nice to see one actually hitting the pavement. Placed my order for a Ruby Red Sport on Saturday! Can't wait.

Sorry for the bad picture from my cellphone but its still dirty and not gone over by the dealer yet.... I will get some better pic's Tuesday if it gets cleaned.


First impressions after a very short road test are....
It feels light on it's feet. You dont feel the 5000 lbs.
Strong smooth acceleration.

Hopefully I can get a better test ride in Tuesday.

Sweet ride you have there! Congratulations and have fun :D

Sorry for the bad picture from my cellphone but its still dirty and not gone over by the dealer yet.... I will get some better pic's Tuesday if it gets cleaned.


First impressions after a very short road test are....
It feels light on it's feet. You dont feel the 5000 lbs.
Strong smooth acceleration.

Hopefully I can get a better test ride in Tuesday.

That is awesome looking. At last - real world candid photos! So, she's a sprinter huh?

Like some of the others said. Need more photos. A frontal, 3/4 front, rear and an inside shot... Even photos of the sports interior on google, I cannot see the paddle shifters - what do they look like ?


Clean it yousrself- don't let the dealer get their grubby rotaries all over it and swirl it into oblivion... :D

Congrats looks awesome in Tuxedo black!

How did you get it home before dealer PDI?

I cannot see the paddle shifters - what do they look like ?

X2 been waiting for a picture of the paddle shifters to surface - look forward to seeing when you get a chance to take a couple of pics!

Congrats looks awesome in Tuxedo black!

How did you get it home before dealer PDI?

I just asked and they put a dealer plate on it.

X2 been waiting for a picture of the paddle shifters to surface - look forward to seeing when you get a chance to take a couple of pics!

I will when I get a chance to get in the vehicle again. They are kind of hidden behind the steering wheel, but I will see what I can do.

When are you picking it up? Please post pics of interior also.

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X2 been waiting for a picture of the paddle shifters to surface - look forward to seeing when you get a chance to take a couple of pics!


Here is a pretty good picture of the paddle shifters. Granted it is pre-production but I doubt they have changed.
