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Warm water!

Gilbert G. Jr.

Well-Known Member
November 14, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Costa Mesa CA.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer XLT
This mornings three hour session gear.


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What's the ocean water temp there?

...I'm trying to guess where there are tables...:scratch:

...What beach is that?

San Clemente State Beach. It was fun out there. Where do you usually go?

...I'm trying to guess where there are tables...:scratch:

...What beach is that?

I usually go Kukui'ula, water's 80. :D

I grew up in Fullerton in the 70's. We'd hitch down Beach Blvd to Huntington and head to the cliffs for afternoon surf. Those were the days. Jacks Surf Shop is still there!! We'd usually body surf Crescent Bay just south of Corona a lot also.
Oh, for the days of my youth....

..I haven't boarded in years but when I did it was from 32nd st. In Newport down to Trussels. Doheny was a hot spot back when it had waves with a gnarley sea floor and not the lagoon it is now..

..I was going to guess San Clemente up by the main lifeguard tower. I was down there last summer for a week and posted a video of an awesome day heading down the little canyon and under the tracks to the beach. I also had a wicked lightening storm come thru there one afternoon and I was out in the rain taking pictures over the ocean..:)

I bodysurfed Laguna on Saturday!

I grew up in Fullerton in the 70's. We'd hitch down Beach Blvd to Huntington and head to the cliffs for afternoon surf. Those were the days. Jacks Surf Shop is still there!! We'd usually body surf Crescent Bay just south of Corona a lot also.
Oh, for the days of my youth....

San Clemente it is! I surfed 36th street in Newport yesterday!

..I haven't boarded in years but when I did it was from 32nd st. In Newport down to Trussels. Doheny was a hot spot back when it had waves with a gnarley sea floor and not the lagoon it is now..

..I was going to guess San Clemente up by the main lifeguard tower. I was down there last summer for a week and posted a video of an awesome day heading down the little canyon and under the tracks to the beach. I also had a wicked lightening storm come thru there one afternoon and I was out in the rain taking pictures over the ocean..:)
