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What are these seats?

If that was manual and 4x4 I might be booking a one-way flight haha!
haha, sorry, but unfortunately no! i i ever see these at a JY ill keep ya posted though

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haha, sorry, but unfortunately no! i i ever see these at a JY ill keep ya posted though
At least in my area, the XL/XLS models very seldom end up in the junk yards -- since all are 4.0 OHV, most are RWD, and many are manual they just don't break down much. It took me quite a while to track down an XLS to harvest a replacement console base for my Sport (manual Explorers use the same "3/4 length console" as the base trim Explorers).

At least in my area, the XL/XLS models very seldom end up in the junk yards -- since all are 4.0 OHV, most are RWD, and many are manual they just don't break down much. It took me quite a while to track down an XLS to harvest a replacement console base for my Sport (manual Explorers use the same "3/4 length console" as the base trim Explorers).
true. though recently been seeing a few, dunno why. welp, if i find one like that in manual and with 4wd, ill be sure to let ya know!

If this was a parts car and a little cheaper I’d be all over that. Those seats look awesome for almost 200K! In March I found an Outback I wanted in Reno NV so I bought it sight unseen, got a one way plane ticket and bombed it back the 800 miles home in one day. So I’ve been known to do stupid things for stupid cars..

And as far as junkyards in Phoenix, the Explorers are plentiful. Mainly SOHC, and the only thing that generally kills the OHV ones are a collision. A few 5.0s show up from time to time. There needs to be a search function like Search Tempest but for junkyards so I can just search them all at once for specifics cars.. if anyone is listening you can steal my idea and roll with it 😋

If this was a parts car and a little cheaper I’d be all over that. Those seats look awesome for almost 200K! In March I found an Outback I wanted in Reno NV so I bought it sight unseen, got a one way plane ticket and bombed it back the 800 miles home in one day. So I’ve been known to do stupid things for stupid cars..

And as far as junkyards in Phoenix, the Explorers are plentiful. Mainly SOHC, and the only thing that generally kills the OHV ones are a collision. A few 5.0s show up from time to time. There needs to be a search function like Search Tempest but for junkyards so I can just search them all at once for specifics cars.. if anyone is listening you can steal my idea and roll with it 😋
Just trucks and Vans was the best yard for 1st and 2nd gen explorers, too bad they closed a few years ago. You could get a complete running 5.0 from there for under $200, the guy that sat at the entrance would pull a motor for $40 and have it out in under 15 minutes.
