What Gas Company do you use? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Gas Company do you use?

What gas do you Use?

  • Shell

    Votes: 24 28.9%
  • Exxon

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • Sunoco

    Votes: 8 9.6%
  • Chevron

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 37 44.6%

  • Total voters
i usually go with shell. i refuse to use huck's or casey's gas. i had started using them to fill up an old car i had and that's when it magically started having problems like loss of power, difficult to start, etc. if i'm not near a shell it'll deppend on what side of town i'm on, west-BP, east-mobil. i haven't really noticed a difference in mpg's between them. but it does seem like it runs better with the shell.

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There is one exception
10MPH..............when out running girl friends husband

"Won't you give me three steps/Gimme three steps mister/Gimme three steps towards the door?/Gimme three steps/Gimme three steps mister/And you'll never see me no more.?"


I use Shell, Hess, or Sunoco. I would use BP or Chevron if we had many, but we don't.


Explain!!!!:eek: :D

Yeah now that everyone is saying it...Ethanol/gas mixture seems to burn faster on the ol gaugeometer than just plain gasoline. I will try wawa next they always have the cheapest gasoline around my parts. I was a little uneasy to use them though due to the cheap prices. The only reason I went with shell was because of their proclaimed NITROGEN formula which claims to clean off intake valves

Ethanol does burn a lot faster, which is why it usually cheaper (I think). Here on the Florida Turnpike, they have E85 at the gas stations. My dad is a Florida State Trooper and his new Crown Vic has the "flex fuel" capability with it, and he sometimes fills up with Ethanol and he said it runs out a lot faster than regular gas. Quite significantly, according to him.

I prefer Chevron to all others but I tend to use what ever is cheapest. Sometimes I find a Chevron with a good price and I pull in there.

i use hess never had a problem with it and it cheap and there every wherer in ri

I usually go with Smith's fuel centers or Maverik. They don't have any pre-pay requirements so I can fill the X to the full line. And so far my X runs good on it.

Chevron....Most people here don't remember it, but Chevron is the old 'Standard Oil'. Before the Feds broke it up....

Chevron is cleanest gasoline in the nation....including their Regular Gas...


combine the two threads

Heres my question, may seem kinda dumb to some but just noticed this...

The other day I was filling up gas, while I usually use Shell gasoline, I opted for exxon because it was cheaper and was on the last end of my pay check...Anyway I seemed to get about a 1/4 better gas mileage with the exxon gas than the Shell gasoline. I filled up with Shell yesterday and it seems to be burning through it quicker than the exxon gas. I know there is difference between gas companies but I just found this odd. I always thought Shell being a high quality gasoline so i figured it would be good to use for the long run.

So what are some of your guys results with different gas? Have you found that using one brand gives you better MPG? Just my two cents?

I think we should combine the two threads that we have on this topic as there was one started back in December of last year. just my .02


get a 3 cent discount (per gallon) everytime i fill up

BP... Close to where I live.

depending on price i use either valero, irving, or whatever cumerland farms uses as thier supplier

Citgo, closest and usually the cheapest.
Meijer also.
Shell with the new Kroger Card saves .10 a gal a fill up. Can't buy it local as that works out to cash price . . .so i buy near work usually .08-.12 cheaper.

I hate Credit/Cash pricing. . .by the way, almost like bait and switch tactic.

I use NEX Fuel. It is the Navy Exchange Fuel company. I'm in the Marine Corps and live on a Navy base, so it's cheaper and more convenient.
