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What is the best exhaust for my 5.0? End all be all


Active Member
October 19, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0
I just bought a 2000 XLT 5.0 with 112,000 miles on it and wanted to know what the best exhaust for me would be in your opinion and the best place to get it, also how much I should expect to pay. Here are the attributes I'd like:

-Sound is most important, the closest I can get to an x pipe Mustang GT note.

-I live in MA so I don't need to worry about emissions testing.

-Quality is important but I'd like the best bang for buck option

-Simple bolt on application

-I don't care if it's dual or single exit just as long as it looks clean and sounds mean

Notes: I am not going to be getting aftermarket headers, this exhaust will be my only modification pertaining to performance.

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I've seen it but it doesn't even come close to narrowing anything down that's a thread with a billion sound combinations and no specific info like pricing or where to get the system from or what any of them sound like

Correct. And by asking for more opinions in another thread we will have 2 threads with several opinions.

If you read through the thread you'll see there are very specific answers. Pricing wil vary depending on where you live, and, how friendly you are at the exhaust shop.

As far as I know there is no bolt in catback kit.

Yeah read through the already stickied forum or just go down and talk to the muffler shop or exhaust shop guy.. they have a pretty good grasp on what mufflers and exhaust systems will sound like. But to get an exact sound you would have to bolt your new exhaust up and listen. each car will react slightly different. even 2 cars with same motor might sound different based on mods and miles on truck and exhaust etc.. there are a million different setups you could run between duals with 2 mufflers, dual in single out single in single out single in dual out.. couple that with all different sizes of piping, differences in bends and mandrel bends, cats or no cats, then you get to your muffler choice, which there are hundreds of... no one is gonna know what the single best exhaust system is unless you have specific goals, and power levels in mind, do months of research and have lots of trial and error...
My advice just talk to some shops and tell them your goals and let them convince you that they will get it done, when you find the right shop, drop off your truck and pick it up happy.

I'm running a Gibson P\n 619690 on my 98 5.0L. 2.5" Cat Back.

Sounds good, bolt on. Took about 3 hours to put on.

I only had to modify the stock rear hanger to get what I wanted and to keep it from rattling.

what I did...(and I feel the best combo) is cut out the secondary cats.

and replace them with thrush welded muffs (thrush model
of the 40series flowmaster, just as good and cheaper).

then straight pipe that dumps out the side, you could go all the way
back and would work just the same and as good.

I love the exhaust and get complements on it almost everyday.


what I did...(and I feel the best combo) is cut out the secondary cats.

and replace them with thrush welded muffs (thrush model
of the 40series flowmaster, just as good and cheaper).

then straight pipe that dumps out the side, you could go all the way
back and would work just the same and as good.

I love the exhaust and get complements on it almost everyday.


Would it be a lot for a shop to do that? I have none of the tools I'd need for that and no garage anymore lol.

what I did...(and I feel the best combo) is cut out the secondary cats.

and replace them with thrush welded muffs (thrush model
of the 40series flowmaster, just as good and cheaper).

then straight pipe that dumps out the side, you could go all the way
back and would work just the same and as good.

I love the exhaust and get complements on it almost everyday.


Are there any sensors that need to be moved?


Are there any sensors that need to be moved?


NO.....the secondary cats are just there for clean up...

to burn what the primary cats didn't get......

so there are no O2s after these cats..

I also got 30 bucks each for them.....haha


gibson did mine and my friends and it took maybe an hour to remove and replace. We cut everything off including stock hangers and bolts.

Would it be a lot for a shop to do that? I have none of the tools I'd need for that and no garage anymore lol.

I have access to a mig.....soooo.....I sawzalled the cats off....

welded the muffs in there place......drove it around like that
for awhile deciding what to do.....

keep the rest of the exhaust.....
lose the rest and do straight pipes.....
do single or duel...
dump it right off the muffs....
dump out the side....

decided to duel/dump out the side, needed the muffler shop to do
some bends and such, so they charged me $100 for what they did
I went with 2.5in duel dumping in front of the rear tire....I have pics
somewhere...ill look and try to post.


heres the pics.....these are the first set of mufflers I had...TURBOS.
wayyyy too loud, I replaced them with the welded....much better.




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