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What kind of metal/chrome polish do you use?


Well-Known Member
February 27, 2000
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City, State
San Francisco,CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 EB
I need to polish my billet grille (purchased from Explorer Express). Thanks.

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Turtle Wax Chrome Polish works for me!

If there's tar or bug stains on the chrome, I'll take a little gas on a paper towel and clean it off. Then I will use Dawn to wash the chrome off, and complete it with some Turtle Wax Chrome Polish. Looks like new when completed.

I remember reading some where that you are never supposed to use dish soap when washing a car. Isnt that why they made car wash soap? Correct me if I am wrong.

dish soap takes the clear coat off, or harms it in some way, I heard that from a detailer friend of mine. As for metal polish, I use Speedy polish, same as truckers use to clean the chrom, works the best of products I've tried, but it's a bit pricey, check out a truck stop for it

I just used a product called Wenol's metal polish, I used the stuff in the blue tube, It did WONDERS for the alloy wheels on the 97. Removed all scratches, and made them look like new. Great product! :thumbsup:

I use Eagle One's Never Dull chrome polish. It does wonders on my stock steel chrome rims!! It's awesome!!

Here's a pic:

Dead Link Removed

Two of the best and most impresive products I have used for chrome/metal polish in the market has been Eagle One "never dull" & Mothers chrome/alluminum polish.

I have an old set of 83P-type rims on my Supra, and durring the years of break dust and all, Mothers pollish works wonders! this product has been around since the early 70's. It's about $8.00 Canadian for a jar. wipe on, wipe off. no effort needed.

Just my .02cents worth.


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