wheel tire TT lift problem question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wheel tire TT lift problem question


Active Member
October 21, 2009
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City, State
Kirtland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
I just put on a set of super 8s 16x8 on my explorer. They came off a ranger, so I assumed they would be a direct fit. Problem is the tey rub on the sway bar and frame. However the bigger issue is at full turn the front of the truck lifts up. Turn right, the left side goes up. turn left the right side goes up and the pump is working hard.

I called my local 4x4 shop and he said my wheel is wrong and my TT is cranked too much. I had the TT at 2" but back it off 1/2 a crank.

Any ideas why its doing this.

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what tire size are the wheels? It sounds like the rim offset is not the same hence the touching, you may need wheel spacers

285 75 16
I measured it, the back spacing. Assuming I did it right. Its 5.75 I put a strt edge on top of rim and measured to back of center inside. I was told it needs tobe 4.25.

Ithe bigger issue is at full turn the front of the truck lifts up. Turn right, the left side goes up. turn left the right side goes up and the pump is working hard.

Could it be lifting because the tire is hitting off the frame at full lock and pushing it up, and that is over working the pump?

Could it be lifting because the tire is hitting off the frame at full lock and pushing it up, and that is over working the pump?

Yes, that is the reason it is doing it. Im taking the wheel in to have the back spacing checked. Might just pick up 2 new front rims. Same price as wheel spacers, so might as well get rims instead.

my stock rims rub the swaybar to with 285/75/16 @ full turn.... i just back off when it hits
