Where do you put your cell phone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where do you put your cell phone?


Well-Known Member
October 13, 2008
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94 Eddie Bauer 4x4
Pretty straight forward question. . Where do you place it? Cup holder? Dash board? Tranny tunnel? I was looking at those magnetic mounts... The one that just sticks on your dash so you don't have that big goofy arm hanging from your windshield. Looks pretty slick, amd for $15, it might be worth a shot.

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Usually cup holder but most of the time it's my speedometer because my normal speedometer is 5-8 mph off

I usually leave mine in my pocket...if I don't though (like needing to charge it or use it for GPS) I bought one of those cheap MP3 player holders that clips to the vents. I modified mine by drilling a hole through the layer that touches the phone/iPod and put a screw through it into the dash just below the instrument cluster to the right of the steering column.

Cup holder. I also have a BT radio that controls the iPhone so I never really need to touch the phone.

Mine fits nicely in the ash tray. I have a cheap Android smart phone though, only cost $35 so it's got a pretty small screen. I'd imagine larger 4.5+ inch phones wouldn't fit in there.

I've been wanting to find something to mount a 7" tablet for navigation but haven't come across a dash mount that I've liked.

Years ago when I had a Nokia flip phone I mounted a phone holder onto my dash center vent. Its still mounted there though I don't use it anymore to hold my current phone. The holder is narrow and my current phone is much wider won't fit.I been meaning to take that old holder off. I sometime used it now to hold some sunglasses.

I use an iOttie mount. Since I have an Iphone, I use the smaller one.. They make one for the wider phones..


I like this one as I can move the bottom feet things so they aren't in the way of cords and it works on my iphone in the small case and in my mophie battery case...

The suction cup works really.. It has stayed up in sub freezing weather all the way to 110F outside temps (over 170F in cab temps)


I personally put mine in that little slot in front of the cup holders and then put my camera in the side pocket. Of course though my phone is half the size of most phones so it fit their. My digital camera is bigger then my phone.

Now if the phone rings it might be out the window. LOL I hate answering the phone while driving.

I keep my S4 Active in an Otterbox which is almost always clipped to my belt... but if for some reason I don't have the clip on me, then it just fits in either my jacket pocket or shirt pocket. I almost always have either a hoodie or a flannel shirt with chest pockets either on or with me.

I do however sometimes keep it in the horizontal orientation because my speedo hasn't worked since I bought the damn thing. I use it (rarely) as a GPS-based speedo, but I don't like to because it makes the phone get crazy hot and kills my battery in a matter of 2-3 hours. Usually I end up going according to my tach.

Oops, thread hijack lol.
