Whining noise? what is it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whining noise? what is it?


Explorer Addict
October 17, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Gilbert, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 XLT V8
Okay... when my car is running It constantly makes a whining noise coming from underneath the truck. And it starts making a noise just before I start my car as well... this is making me think its the fuel pump... am I right here? Its been making the noise for as long as I can remember... but it seems a bit more prominant now... mabye just because Im bored... anyways.. is the noise normal?


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okay, maybe you could be a little more specific about where underneath the truck it comes from. but if it makes the noise as you turn the key but don't start it, my guess it is the fuel pump, but usually the noise stops after a few seconds.

Hey man, I had that exact noise. It comes from all over but alot from the back tire on the drivers side. When I got my Fuel pressure regulator, it went away. lata

Yeah .. it does sound like it comes from the back. I was thinking fuel puimp myself... its just that the whining really is annoying. And it stopped for you when you got a new FPR??? Hmph....


Yeah it stopped when I got a new fuel pressure regulator. That also improved my 6mpg milage to 12 mpg.

Hmmm...maybe its time took look into an adjustable FPR....

