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Whose truck is this?

saw this explorer on dezert rangers, no one seems to know anything about it other than that the rear frame is notched and that it used to be black in color until it was rolled, it looks to be a 91-94 w/fiberglass conversion beam type setup in front but it could very well be a 98-00 with extensive work..thought someone might know something about it.




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Could you post a link?

the thread is super long but here is the link.. http://dezertrangers.com/vb/showthread.php?t=13187&page=565 the first pictures i can find are the ones i originally posted and starts at post #16818 as well as 16931, through some further reading i know he has a full floater 9" but no clue as to what he's running up front and that those tires are 37" BFG projects

he also has some progress pictures in this thread along with some other nice desert explorers including the Baker motorsports class 7.. http://dezertrangers.com/vb/showthread.php?t=31173

Apparently the owner/builder is someone named Matt Walrath, the person who built that 'ultimate backyard' built, white 94 explorer, and a 'ultimate backyard' silverado. On page 7 of the 2nd link you posted, theres a pic of the truck (pre-paint) on a trailer in front of a brick wall, and on that guy's myspace, which can be found on the top friends of explorer forum's myspace, there is a pic of the white ultimate explorer and the silverado on the same trailer in front of the same wall. And on dezert-rangers, his name is exploder. Try contacting him there or through myspace.

All 3 trucks also seem to have a similar 3 piece skidplate design, with the center section and two triangles on either side.

oh i knew that guy's user name was exploder...i've sent him pm's he doesn't seem to go on the boards very often and still hasn't replied to any pm's, and the guy that built it is a ghost also, as one of the threads says he never answers his phone...thats why i wanted to post it here to see if anyone knew anything about it...but oh well at least it's another nice explorer for everyone to enjoy

Maybe you'd have a little better luck contacting him through myspace? His entire profile is about selling the white explorer, so i can't imagine he would not respond to inquiries.

Ya that's the one.

good call...gracias..i already know who the builder is then.

Wow that is one baaaaad mother! If it is a 1st Gen ex, he even updated the rear hatch to match the new body style...not too sure how hard that is but it doesn't seem like it would match up too well. But if Walrath built it, that type of thing is butter:eek:

He was talking about the gold one, which has the second gen hatch. It's also got the 2nd gen side view mirrors, which leads me to believe it is a 1st gen frame with a 2nd gen body....because it was said that the truck rolled before its current state, so they probably salvaged the frame and suspension and replaced the body. That's my guess.

Wow that is one baaaaad mother! If it is a 1st Gen ex, he even updated the rear hatch to match the new body style...not too sure how hard that is but it doesn't seem like it would match up too well. But if Walrath built it, that type of thing is butter:eek:

You should have matt build your truck back up...it would have been done by now :D but i can't talk too much those beams you built are sexy..

i really love this one, from the second link

stock? nope! :D


