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wrong vehicle- help me quick anyways

this is what i posted on the chevy forum-

picking up a 20' car hauler on friday and need to wire up a brake controller of some kind etc. for my 1999 Tahoe.

What product would you recommend/do you have wiring instructions? (it seems there are direct kits that require basically no installation, but not on the pre-2000s)

thank you


anyways- i'm absolutely certain a quick search would pull up the info that i need etc., however, i'm at work away from the vehicle until the day before i'm picking up the trailer. would like to be able to tell the girlfriend exactly what to pick up. help me out if you can?

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Stop at any trailer shop and pick up a Tekonsha Prodigy controller. Tell her to ask them if they have the Prodigy Wire Kits. If so, they will likely have one for that particular vehicle. You'll need to mount the controller, plug the cable in, and possible install a fuse or relay depending on what your vehicle is equipped with. (Not familiar with Shovies and their towing circuitry)


X2 on the Tekonsha Prodigy, I used one for years in an f150 SC it worked great :thumbsup:

The braking is so much smoother on those units than many others I've tried

yeah, i did see the tekonsha everywhere online etc.- worth the added cost? I definitely want the best operation above saving $50...


I was using the one below it (Voyager? Envoy?) until last month... The non-self-leveling was a pain, the mount was less than stellar, and I felt like I could never get it adjusted quite right. The Prodigy is simpler... No leveling involved, just adjust it and it's good to go. It has a couple extra features (boost and temporary reverse canceling) that I've found handy on a few occasions... Well worth the extra money.

The P3, from what I've heard, is just a fancier interface, but the internal function is the same as the Prodigy. I've read that if you've got a Prodigy, the P3 isn't worth the upgrade. But if you're coming from something else, the P3 is worthwhile... Seems like a lot of fluff to me though. It doesn't stop the trailer any better than the Prodigy, so why bother?

yeah, i did see the tekonsha everywhere online etc.- worth the added cost? I definitely want the best operation above saving $50...


yes, it's kinda hard to explain until you feel the difference between these units and the cheaper ones. The tekonsha only applys the needed braking force according to a centrifical controller, so it really keeps the truck and the trailer braking as one unit. Most of the cheaper units are more of a all or nothing type of braking that feels like you slam the brakes on the trailer sometime when all you want to do it feather them a little. does that make sense?

yeah, for sure.

I will order one up soon

this is a dumb question- are the brakes a completely seperate harness from the lighting when it comes to the trailer itself?

ie- will the towing package wiring pre-existing on the truck work for having lights wheni go to pick it up? (i won't really need brakes with an empty trailer anyways)

Most newer vehicles with the towing package have the 7 pin connector on the bumper, wiring front to back. Usually relays have to be installed to make all the functions of the connector work and a brake controller installed, but the lights should work from the factory.

Ditto... key word being usually. It is a Chevy after all...

Little late on the post but your GM product should have a pre installed wiring harness for hooking up a brake controller. Look under the dash board by the parking brake. You should see a unused four position plug. Just need the adapter and plug it in. Oh, I also have had a Tekonsha for several years in two different vehicles. Still works great.

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