Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV



I had just bought the truck for 4k with just over 100k miles on it, was just going to be a daily driver but decided to make it a capable off road vehicle. Soon you will see the transformation of this truck into the ZAPV or Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle.

This is how I got the truck.


I decided to put bed liner on all of the plastic parts, and it looked good. At this point I thought I was done with the body (foolish me) I was going to settle for a good looking with minor capabilities truck.






I soon grew tiered of all the plastic wrapped around the truck, and the fact that the bed liner wasn’t sticking to it, so I pulled all of the plastic off and started over. I filled all of the holes left by the plastic with bondo or expanding insulation foam.




Bed lining was applied next. The whole truck was covered (including the rear wheel well). This didn't take as long as I thought it would.






(this is where I put bondo to fill in the divit.


And at last the Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV. It is the essential vehicle to use in case of a zombie outbreak, it can drive long distances, prevent rust, clime mountains, find high ground, and cover your sent from the brain eating *******s. This should not be your only plan in an zombie infestation, but you should always keep several options on the table. A vehicle would be the first step of a evacuation from an infected area. You would only want to use it to get out of a major city and make it to a relatively rural zone where you can take a high vantage point. Remember always be prepared.






EDIT: I don't have time to make rules and such for membership so if any one want to be in Team ZAPV just pick a number (except 1-3)

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Oh give me a break. :rolleyes: :thumbdwn:

OK, the wife is gone now... FRICKING AWESOME!!!!!!! remember, extra filters in the in-cabin air filters to prevent blood mist. Also, might want to reinforce the glass, them zombie heads are tough! Other than that, rock on! May I also recommend UV headlights. Some zombies are photo-sensitive, can never be too prepared in my book! :thumbsup: :salute:

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well think about it.. if there are zombies around whats to say there wont be vampires. thats where the uv lights come in handy. in fact the uv light should be on the window pillar and be adjustable like on a cruiser. vampires can fly and stuff.

This is the kind of thing I love to see. Taking a crazy theme and having the guts to run with it.

Maybe we could have an "Explorer Theme Truck " thread. Stico's truck, yours and others could be in there. I think it would encourage this kind of crazy behavior.

Hey any chance u can mount this bad boy up there?


This is the kind of thing I love to see. Taking a crazy theme and having the guts to run with it.

Maybe we could have an "Explorer Theme Truck " thread. Stico's truck, yours and others could be in there. I think it would encourage this kind of crazy behavior.

I love that idea, especially when the truck is a daily driver.

On a side note I don't intend on using the truck to smash into zombies, that would only shorten the life of the truck, in fact the point of the truck is to avoid zombies, but if you have to confront them that turret would be the best option for a large crowd. That being said, I would not use a gun in most instances. It only draws the attention of other zombies to your location, and a machete never runs out of ammo.

meh i thought it was pretty bad ass lol

Just a thought... what are you going to do with the rims?? has anyone herc'd a set of rims yet?? just think cus they kinda stick out now that the whole truck is a rugged black>:p:


ah yes... I am planing on blacking out every thing that I can, the rims, the tail lights, the headlights, and so on.

2-Stripe your in maryland im in pa we can cover alot of area here on the east coast with my snorkel i have the swamps and water crossings covered




let those zombies even try it!!!!!!
seriously we need to get together some time to get a picture together they have to be the only to like it atleast on the east coast

we do need to get together some time for a photo shoot.

Wait a second....I just realized this vehicle is in maryland...that means i might actually get to see it! Or survive the outbreak, whichever comes first.

I've been on the look out for it ever since this thread started. :D

That's awesome! I love the graphics on the rear hatch.

I wonder though...have cops given you any trouble about it? It seems sometimes they do when people have..."distinctive" vehicles...

What's the favorite comment anybody has given you about it? I'll bet you talk to a lot more strangers now...:D

Edit: Oh, if the zombies show up in force, come pick me up. My explorer isn't ZAPV certified.

That's awesome! I love the graphics on the rear hatch.

I wonder though...have cops given you any trouble about it? It seems sometimes they do when people have..."distinctive" vehicles...

What's the favorite comment anybody has given you about it? I'll bet you talk to a lot more strangers now...:D

Edit: Oh, if the zombies show up in force, come pick me up. My explorer isn't ZAPV certified.

My favorite comment happened today actually, I was putting air in my tire and a mechanic came up to me to see if I needed any help with my tires (I have a nail in one). He asked me about the bed liner, then pointed at the "ZAPV" on the front and asked if I worked for them. :confused:

To any one who wants to see it I work off of Hwy 40 and Rolling road in Catonsville MD (next to the Firestone)

we do need to get together some time for a photo shoot.

do you get up this way at all?? I need a name for mine yet still up in the air any ideas

You need a decal like this...

I'm the next member of ZAPV. I'm going to paint it on my truck tomarrow. I have been preparing for zombies sence I was a child, so it makes me feel good that someone else thinks like me.:D

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You need a decal like this...

lol that is awesome.

oh and any one can be in the ZAPV all I ask is that if you get personalized plates I have dibs on ZAPV 1 Through ZAPV 3 for my next to cars.
