1997 Explorer starts intermittently. Making me crazy. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 Explorer starts intermittently. Making me crazy.


New Member
May 1, 2021
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City, State
Brownstown, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Ford Explorer 4x4
This has been going on for about a year. I have racked my brain and everyone else I know. When it'll start it runs like a dream but there's no guarantee that it will start again after you shut it off. I put a new fuel pump and filter a year ago, let my daughter use the car and she called the next day that it wouldn't start. Then the fun began. After a week of replacing the coil pack, plugs and wires we determined that she apparently got bad gas. We drained the tank and put new gas in and after a day it finally started up with a big back fire but ran good after that. Then I found out after driving it that it wouldn't always start back up. Started with having to wait a couple of hours before it would start which turned into a couple days. I have replaced the crank sensor. All the fuses are good and even replaced the relay. It would just spin over and sometimes there would be fire to the coil and sometimes no fire. What I have learned so far is that when it does start, as long as I don't drive it, it'll start every time I hit the key and sounds good until I put it in gear. I've considered replacing the PCM but I believe it has to be a sensor in the tranny or transfer case because that's when I have issues getting it to start again. Anybody have any idea what it could be? I have checked all connections and cleaned them and even replaced the battery.
PLEASE HELP!!! I appreciate any feedback I can get.

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If it always starts cold I’d replace the coolant temperature sensor.

Maybe the CPS connector?

Thanks for responding. It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold out. Also went through the whole security deal. I think I've checked almost all my connections but I'll check out the CPS connector. I know I miss driving it around but not about to take any chances of getting stranded. LOL

Thanks for responding. It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold out. Also went through the whole security deal. I think I've checked almost all my connections but I'll check out the CPS connector. I know I miss driving it around but not about to take any chances of getting stranded. LOL
Cold engine, not cold weather.

I’d pull and check the big bolt on connector between the cab main harness and the engine bay.

It’s not the starter, the car turns over but doesn’t actually start.
