1st Generation Third Brake Light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1st Generation Third Brake Light


October 28, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Charlottesville, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Ford Explorer XLT

I would like to replace the third brake light on my 93 Explorer. The one I have has crack in it and may not pass my states safety inspection which is due next month. I have searched the internet and local sources with no luck.

Any suggestions? I'd like a new one rather than used if possible.



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I searched the web and found nothing pre 95


I would like to replace the third brake light on my 93 Explorer. The one I have has crack in it and may not pass my states safety inspection which is due next month. I have searched the internet and local sources with no luck.

Any suggestions? I'd like a new one rather than used if possible.



I have one sitting here on my desk. It's been on my desk for quite a while..

I just dusted it off (yes, it's been here that long) and It isn't cracked and has the bulb holders and pigtail.

You can have it for $15 shipped (after any fees). That would be a priority mail, flat rate (medium box). Basically, $12.35 for shipping and $2.65 for gas to drive to the post office and drop it off and $0.00 for the 3rd brake light.

Let me know..


Edit: LMCTruck is the only place that I can think of that may have a new one.

Ebay, junk yards or used from someone here. It's not a part made any longer.
LMC Truck only sells the bulbs, bulb bracket & the gasket. Not the lens.

I have one sitting here on my desk. It's been on my desk for quite a while..

I just dusted it off (yes, it's been here that long) and It isn't cracked and has the bulb holders and pigtail.

You can have it for $15 shipped (after any fees). That would be a priority mail, flat rate (medium box). Basically, $12.35 for shipping and $2.65 for gas to drive to the post office and drop it off and $0.00 for the 3rd brake light.

Let me know..


Edit: LMCTruck is the only place that I can think of that may have a new one.

Thanks to everyone who replied. Mark, send me an e-mailand let me know how to arrange getting the one you have.

