2000 Limited Rear Bumper Step Pad Color Confusion at Dealer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Limited Rear Bumper Step Pad Color Confusion at Dealer


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
Was talking with my local Ford Dealer about ordering a replacement rear bumper step pad (The tan colored pad on the rear bumper of my 2000 Limited w/Pearl White Paint) and he was telling me that the parts book said that my truck used a "Chestnut" colored pad and that the Medium Prairie Tan Pad was for the Eddie Bauer model.

Looking at mine - it sure looks like Medium Prairie Tan to me. I am not sure what Chestnut is or for what model - but looking through the parts book they only had a spruce green, Wedgwood blue, chestnut and a black pad listed for limited models and the medium prairie tan was only listed for the eddie bauer.

Anyone know which is correct? One other thing I noticed is my bumper pad color matches the color of my limited logo on the rear tailgate. That logo is listed as medium prairie tan color in the parts book.


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What's the exterior paint (EXT PNT) code on your door sticker?
This is from my Eddie Bauer (Prairie Tan):


Ok some new information which I hope helps anyone else that might find themselves in this particular situation.

So I went ahead and ordered the F87Z-17B807-AAA Bumper Set pad that was stated as being for the Eddie and although it is lt. prairie tan (which is more like the medium prairie tan) it is NOT the same color as the (lighter) tan on the Pearl White Limited Bumper Step Pad. There is a definite color difference which is not the result of sun fading, etc. The one on the Eddie is much darker than the one on the Pearl White (WF) Limited.

So it appears the part I need - F87Z-17B807-AAE (known as Limited; (WF) Lt. Cypress - bumper cover) is discontinued. The question is how is Lt. Cyprus tan???

I also checked and received some pictures of F87Z-17B807-AAD (known as XLS, XLT; Med. Platinum - bumper cover) which is a dark gray color.

So I guess I will be on the lookout for F87Z-17B807-AAE that someone still has out there new unless someone knows how to get the bumper step pad off without destroying it????

Ok some new information which I hope helps anyone else that might find themselves in this particular situation.

So I went ahead and ordered the F87Z-17B807-AAA Bumper Set pad that was stated as being for the Eddie and although it is lt. prairie tan (which is more like the medium prairie tan) it is NOT the same color as the (lighter) tan on the Pearl White Limited Bumper Step Pad. There is a definite color difference which is not the result of sun fading, etc. The one on the Eddie is much darker than the one on the Pearl White (WF) Limited.

So it appears the part I need - F87Z-17B807-AAE (known as Limited; (WF) Lt. Cypress - bumper cover) is discontinued. The question is how is Lt. Cyprus tan???

I also checked and received some pictures of F87Z-17B807-AAD (known as XLS, XLT; Med. Platinum - bumper cover) which is a dark gray color.

So I guess I will be on the lookout for F87Z-17B807-AAE that someone still has out there new unless someone knows how to get the bumper step pad off without destroying it????

I assume by "step pad", you mean the entire plastic cover on top of the bumper (not just the cent piece where the trailer ball goes). I had the rear bumper off on one of my 2000 Mountaineers when my wife got rear-ended. The bumper was fine, but the mounting brackets were bent and had to be replaced. Anyway, it appears the step pad has these molded in clips that snap into slots in the top of the bumper. You should be able to squeeze the clips and pop them off one by one w/out destroying them. The Explore step pad is attached in the same manner.

I assume by "step pad", you mean the entire plastic cover on top of the bumper (not just the cent piece where the trailer ball goes). I had the rear bumper off on one of my 2000 Mountaineers when my wife got rear-ended. The bumper was fine, but the mounting brackets were bent and had to be replaced. Anyway, it appears the step pad has these molded in clips that snap into slots in the top of the bumper. You should be able to squeeze the clips and pop them off one by one w/out destroying them. The Explore step pad is attached in the same manner.

Thank You for the info. Hopefully we'll be able to get it off in one piece! :chug:
