2003 Mercury Mountaineer PATS Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Mercury Mountaineer PATS Issue


June 21, 2012
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I have been doing some research on the PATS system.

I have a 2003 Mercury Mountaineer (87,000 miles). We drove it to Wal-Mart perfectly fine.

When we got back to the truck 30 mins later it would not start. Truck had no issues previously. Nothing. No turn over, no cranks. Battery is new. everything lights up, radio, lights.

I put key in (Original) have tried our two sets of original keys and nothing. The red LED blinks rapidly.

By my research I have come to the conclusion that it is a PAT system? I believe the code it flashes after a minute is 2:2.

I read that I can buy a product that disables the PAT system?

Do you members also think it could be PATS?

What site could I buy a device that could disable this anti theft system.

I would rather pay $400 for a device for myself and fix my problem than pay the dealership with possibility of it happening again.

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If you have access to a OBDII scanner, with the key in the ignition see if it'll bring up a code. With all the ones I've seen with a no start due to PATS it'll throw a P1260 code. You can get a custom tune from our site sponsor, Henson Performance, with PATS lock disabled.

blee1099 thank you for your quick response and help.

I do have access to a scanner and have ran it.

No codes are coming up. Since no codes are coming up does that mean its not a PATS issue?

Do you have any other suggestions?

Well it may or may not.. I've only seen three trucks in my time with a no PATS start and a few times it threw a code. So it may be a hit or miss with the code.. I'm not 100% sold on the idea of it throwing a code. Then again I have a Ford specific expansion kit for my Auto Enginuity scanner tool so maybe it won't show up on a normal scanner.

I just wanted to inform all posters with PATS issues.

I would turn my key, and engine would not crank despite battery being new and tested, lights would turn on though. truck never had any issues until now.

I was lead to believe by much research online that if the LED blinked rapidly when ignition was initiated that it was a PATS issue.

I just wanted to let future members know in case they are in the same situation that it is not always the case.

I had checked my fuses numerous times and they all looked now blown. Under the hood and dash.

It turned out the ignition fuse was blown and the way it was seated it looked not blown.

I looked at them one last time with a flash light and turned out the ignition fuse was blown and you could barely!!!

I replaced it, truck started right up, and the LED blinked normally.

I just want to let future member with similar problems know my experience and not get too frustarated.

I was desperate and as I stated I even read a post where it was a trouble shooting map. The first step was is the LED blinking rapidly? Mine was and it stated to take to a dealer because it was a PATS issue. Not so.

So keep trying to find another source and look at fuses very very carefully!!
