2013 Ford Explorer XLT fuel problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Ford Explorer XLT fuel problems


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January 23, 2016
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2013 Explorer XLT
HELPPPPP!!! Hello everyone. Starting the beginning of the year are started having problems with my fuel notification. Specifically while driving down the road the gauge will read 3/4 and then jump down to empty. It will do this a couple times before remaining empty requiring me to fill up, which tells me the tank is actually empty. It seems to me that the 3/4 mark is the key as it doesnt ever go below 3/4 until i am on an empty tank. I have called my local ford dealer and they told me that unless this happens to them if i bring it in, they will not be able to tell me what the problem is. I asked what im looking at for a fix and he told me between 220 and 800 dollars. I would prefer to fix the problem myself but have no idea what part i am to look into purchasing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions and i will do my best to answer them.

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My guess is the sensor in the fuel tank is sticking

Look at this diagram.. my guess is # 16, fuel gauge sending unit. Again, just a guess but if it isn't the computer (highly unlikely), it is the sending unit or float/sensor in the tank.


PS - looks to be the same part as you posted but I prefer to get them from Ford diagrams to be sure.

HELPPPPP!!! Hello everyone. Starting the beginning of the year are started having problems with my fuel notification. Specifically while driving down the road the gauge will read 3/4 and then jump down to empty. It will do this a couple times before remaining empty requiring me to fill up, which tells me the tank is actually empty. It seems to me that the 3/4 mark is the key as it doesnt ever go below 3/4 until i am on an empty tank. I have called my local ford dealer and they told me that unless this happens to them if i bring it in, they will not be able to tell me what the problem is. I asked what im looking at for a fix and he told me between 220 and 800 dollars. I would prefer to fix the problem myself but have no idea what part i am to look into purchasing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions and i will do my best to answer them.
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Fuel level gauge not working

Like the title says, it says there is more fuel in the tank than there actually is. Even weirder, it goes up when I drive. I have about a half tank, it was showing 3/4 tank and when I was driving it went back to full. What could this be?

Like the title says, it says there is more fuel in the tank than there actually is. Even weirder, it goes up when I drive. I have about a half tank, it was showing 3/4 tank and when I was driving it went back to full. What could this be?

Someone just recently posted about this so I've merged your thread.

Noticed this today when I filled up my tank during my lunch hour. Started with a 1/4 of a tank and by the time I was done filling up, the gas pump stated that the car took 12.8 gallons, but my fuel gauge only showed just over a 1/2 a tank. As I drove back into work, the gauge started to slowly rise in very tiny increments until it eventually did settle at a 3/4 of a tank by the time I reached work (about 5mins). I also watched as the DTE indicator rose slowly as well in accordance with the gauge. Will see where it's at when I get in it after work and what it does on my commute home tonight.

For those that had a similar issue above, was it the sending unit or something else?

Follow up on my post above; Fuel gauge showed level dropping normally with no issue as I drove these past few days. Filled up today and gauge jumped right up to full immediately. May have just been something fluky the last time or maybe a sign of a possible future problem. Time will tell.
