2015 Explorer drivers side window works intermittently. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2015 Explorer drivers side window works intermittently.


New Member
January 15, 2023
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Kailua Kona
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2004 Explorer
So as title says the window will sometimes go down and up. This seems to a progressive issue. As in one push will send the window up or down then it will take two presses to operate then 3 and then multiple till it seems it doesn't operate at all. Bought a used master control, hooked it up and first couple of tries it worked fine. Then it progressively got worse. Any ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I'm not familiar with the "master control" but does that include the switch as well? If not, it could be a bad switch or window motor.


I had a similar issue with my window. I tried replacing the master control but it didn't help. I ended up having to take it to the official dealer and they were able to fix the problem for a reasonable price. It may be worth taking it to the dealer and seeing if they can help you out.

I had a similar issue with my window. I tried replacing the master control but it didn't help. I ended up having to take it to the official dealer and they were able to fix the problem for a reasonable price. It may be worth taking it to the dealer and seeing if they can help you out.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
So, the obvious question....what did they do to repair it?


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
So, the obvious question....what did they do to repair it?

Hi @peterk9
Unfortunately it was quite a long time ago and I didn't clarify with the dealer at the time to see exactly what they did to solve the problem. If I'm not mistaken the repair bill was relatively small, that's all I can remember now.
