5.0 Motor Mounts. what has every one used... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Motor Mounts. what has every one used...


I am about to start buying parts that include motor mounts for my New Project. I would like to know which motor mounts has every one used on there Explorers and what type of problems you have had with them and what problem you did not have with them.

I searched for a little while and found some info. I know RFR had some alignment problems with his. But other than that I am at a loss. Any one use the AA mounts or even the L&L products mounts. And since I am doing a solid axle on the Truck at the Same time. It will not matter if they are 2wd or 4x4 mounts.


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Hey Kris,

What is the new project?

I used the L&L 4x4 mounts from L&L on the Ranger Project and was going to use them on the Navajo but lost interest in the project.

I know the L&Ls are guarrantied for life, so if they work then it is the way to go.

Good Luck,
:usa: :chug: :ca:

My project is a lot like yours except I am starting with a 1992 Xlt Explorer and adding a 5.0 and a dana 44. the Explorer will have an Auto insteal of a Manual tranny.

Good Luck with it, I hope to sell mine.

The L&L Motor Mounts are first quality and very heavy duty.

doesnt duff have 5.0 motor mounts?


Yes they do have mounts but I am still looking for the Best product for the Best price for my Explorer. I want to Mount that motor only one time.

Kris-- I did use Duff mounts... Now, I can't say whether it was Duff, or me where the mistake lies.. I'm putting it at me, that I didn't double check measurements... They're some nice mounts, I just wish I wasn't in such a rush... Luckily, I'll be able to get away with how the mounts are... I think it's measure about 10 times, cut 2-3 times to make perfect notches.... But, in using all of duffs products... I think everything turned out nicely... with their mounts... The headers fit tightly, but very nicely... If ya want, I can attempt to get photos.... I doubt of the mounts... they may be in there too tightly... but at the same time I can get header shots if ya want

I used Motor Mounts from Advanced adapters. (I believe they are the same mounts as a Fox-body Mustang Convertible....) anyway, I also used the heddman headers...........(el cheapos) even with the engine as far back as it could go, I still had to cut in to the engine crsosmember.... :(

good luck


Photos would be nice :)

For the conversion I did in a friends X, I used James Duff mounts. They are however Mustang mounts reversed left to right. I think it sits too high in the engine compartment with these mounts but it could be me just being fussy.

I think a lot of the after market mount tend to sit the engine too high.
Even the L&L allowed for over three inches between the pan and the crossmember.
This space could be shortened and there would be less interference with the heater box and the valve cover.

Maybe Kris can come up with a new set that will allow the right height and less interference.

Good Luck Kris,

On my conversion, my Advanced Adapter Motor Mounts sit the engine Really low. My Oil Pan is pretty dam near close to the crossmember....about 3/4 inch.
This allowed for minimal hacking of the tranny tunnel too.


How high the Motor sits will also depend if your installing 2wd or 4wd Mounts. The 4wd Mounts will make it sit higher because the Oil pan has to clear the passenger side i-beam Drop bracket. But since I am installing a dana 44 in the Truck you will not havet o clear that Bracket because you dont need it with a dana 44 so you can use the 2wd mounts and let the Motor sit in the truck lower making less trimming of the tunnel and the air box but I am Also useing an Explorer 5.0 motor so I might not have to trim the Air box as much with the Lower profile valve covers.
