5.0L '98 xlt suddenly blowing smoke and oil after tire change ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0L '98 xlt suddenly blowing smoke and oil after tire change ?


May 18, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Uxbridge Ontario Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 3.5
1998 5.0L V8 XLT
My son was driving home in our 5.0L '98 xlt last evening (150,x.. kM) when he had a flat drivers side rear tire. Pain in the a$$ but OK things happen. Turns out a nail was in the tire.

Changed the tire, his first I think, and on the road again 20 miles or so and smell of burning rubber, smoke from under hood and oil pouring from engine !

I don't know if the two are related but it sounds fishy to me. Any experts here who can connect the dots ? Road debris run over and bouncing up to puncture oil filter canister is all I can come up with. Its a stretch though and son was unaware of hitting anything like that.

I was the rescue crew, setting off at 22:30 hrs to drive across the city to pick him up. Car was towed to Medowvale Ford in Missisauga Ont as nearest ford place. Any one got any insights into how they are to deal with?


Brian H.

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Was the burning rubber coming from under the hood or the rear tire? If under the hood, could be the serpentine belt went out. If the belt went, could he have possibly overheated it, which could result in a blown gasket and potential oil leak. I'm sure once the dealer looks at it, they will have an opinion. Hopefully, not a new motor...

and the dealer says.....

Turns out its not engine oil at all, its front diff / axle oil leaking out and burning up on the exhaust.

Dealer says front axle / diff is shot and needs replacement.

Heres one for the books though, they suggest I go for a reclaimed one from wreckers and do a "service" to it as it is installed, rather than buying the ford parts! I have never had a dealer say that to me before. They say the wrecker option is about a 10 to 1 savings on the parts. Apparently, the assembly is not available as a unit so I'd have to pay for each part as a seperate item costing about what the car is worth in total!

I guess we'll see what we get cause I gave the go ahead. I'll keep you posted.


I am puzzled tho. You do not mention any unusual noise from the front end or other driveability issues, such as vibrations, clinks, clanks, or clunks. Just a leak, and there is a TSB out for Ex's that blow fluid out the vent tube - you put a small shield in the diff to correct it. Since you just began to see smoke I would not think you blew all the fluid out of the diff and ruined it.

Personally, I would look under axles in the phone book and take it to another shop and get their opinion if you do not have driveability issues or noises. That is as long as they have not located a replacement and started work.

root cause theory

turns out the folks that sold me the car put or left the wrong size tire on the spare wheel. With the fulltime or on demand 4 wheel, I think that is the root cause of all my problems. :mad:

Live and learn. Guess I'll have to go check all the fuses in the fuse panel to see they are the right rating too.


Just a quick note as to the autowrecker not having a complete frt diff assembly ,as an ex autowrecker I can assure you the dealer either was lying or didnt phone around ,most wreckers wont split up a good frt axel ass as then when someone wants the whole thing you cant supply it cause you sold one axel or something .by keeping it together you sell it for bigger bucks AND get the customers old one as a core and thats the one you split up cause part of it of coarse will be no good ,and chances are part will be good .
One more thing ,you sell way more rear diffs than frt as the rear is always working and the frt hardly ever .. ...I had to stick up for the autowreckers in your area lol.

Xcaret, you must have mis understood. The parts issue was that the FORD parts from FORD are only available individually costing lots of $. The wrecker option was proposed so that we could get it as an assembly for cheap.

To others who asked about odd noises and things, remember, that I was not driving it when it happend, my son was. He reported no unusual noises etc but emotions were running a bit high between us at the time.

Picked up the car Saturday and it all seems good, I am happy with the dealings with the Ford shop. The car drives and sounds just like it did before this event, Visa card got a work out but what the heck its only $. It gave us the frights thinking of the lad changing the tire at the side of the highway at dusk. Glad no one went into them from behind as we have heard of happenng around here with cars stopped at the side of the hwy.

All seems back to normal. I had them put all the old parts in the car for me to inspect and dispose of. I haven't opened them up yet but am impressed with the way they are double wrapped up in plastic. Might take some pictures before I part with them. Anyone interested in seeing the pix ?

Todays job is an alternator change on my son's Passat. Always something for the slave to the internal combustion engine!

Brian H,
