93 ford explorer starts right up but touch the gas and it dies ive put on new fuel pump and filter,maf,fuel position sensor and still doing the same t | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 ford explorer starts right up but touch the gas and it dies ive put on new fuel pump and filter,maf,fuel position sensor and still doing the same t


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March 18, 2021
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1992 ford explorer 4x4 4d
93 ford explorer starts right up touch the gas it dies installed new fuel pump and filter, maf,tps,new plugs and wires and still doing it does anyone have any idea no check engine light ,no codes

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Will it continue to idle well after starting?
Have you tried verifying that the harness for the TPS is good? Or that your brand new TPS is not bad out of the box?

Have you checked the codes?

Will it continue to idle well after starting?
Have you tried verifying that the harness for the TPS is good? Or that your brand new TPS is not bad out of the box?
Yes it will continue to idle fine and when u first start it .it will go for a out 2 miles then start doing it again and now I have noticed the temperature is getting up to where it usually runs it barely gets above the cold mark

Yes it will continue to idle fine and when u first start it .it will go for a out 2 miles then start doing it again and now I have noticed the temperature is getting up to where it usually runs it barely gets above the cold mark
And yes no matter what I change it hasn't fixed it and I tested my old stuff and the new stuff on a friends explorer and it all did good on his

And yes no matter what I change it hasn't fixed it and I tested my old stuff and the new stuff on a friends explorer and it all did good on his
Could a temp sensor do this?? Seems unlikely what does anyone think on that??
93 ford explorer starts right up touch the gas it dies installed new fuel pump and filter, maf,tps,new plugs and wires and still doing it does anyone have any idea no check engine light ,no codes
Also if u unplug the maf sensor u can drive it back home but it jerks and the idle goes way up and down and it want shift into 4th gear but at least u can get it back home and try something else

Mine did the same thing it ended up being the throttle position sensor hope this helps

93 ford explorer starts right up touch the gas it dies installed new fuel pump and filter, maf,tps,new plugs and wires and still doing it does anyone have any idea no check engine light ,no codes
Well you can't really test any of the sensors without a multimeter. And to respond to the comment about the ect effecting it it's unlikely. One sensor power's the gauge the other sends signal to pcm for various inputs. Always check your simple stuff. Double check all fused inertia switch and most importantly VACUUM LEAKS. More than likely your looking at an IAC that's not opening or closing correctly once the throttle is opened. It takes signal from the pcm and tps so double checking v of tps at idle is a good start. From .6 to 1.2 is a good range off the top of my head. Take the IAC off and clean it. check the small vacuum connection from bottom of throttle body.
